Corndale Public School - The Potions

Duration: 3:23

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Transcript – Corndale Public School - The Potions

[chicken clucking]

JIM: Tim, come and play with us.

TIM: I don't know, you guys. I'm really sick

GIRL: Oh, no. Hmm.

JIM: Maybe we can give him some of my medicine from in my bag. But the only bad thing is it takes 24 hours to work.

GIRL: No, wait, I have an idea. My dad has medicine potions in his lab. And they only take two hours to work.

JIM: What are we waiting for? Let's go.

GIRL: Tim, we've got a great idea. We're taking you to get some medicine. We've got to hurry.

SECURITY GUARD 1: Stop right there.

SECURITY GUARD 2: We're going to scan you guys first.

GIRL: My dad owns this lab. I'm allowed in here any time I like.

SECURITY GUARD 2: All right, you're good to go in. But these two aren't.

GIRL: No, no. They're my friends. We're getting medicine for Tim.

SECURITY GUARD 2: All right, then. I believe you. In you go.

TIM: Are we there yet?

GIRL: Almost.

JIM: Aww, we're never going to get there. It's going to take us five days.


[glass shattering]

ALL: Oh, we're shrinking.

[chicken clucking]

GIRL: I'm feeling a bit weird.

TIM: What? Wait a minute. Why do I have feathers?


JIM: Hang on. Why are you guys so big?

GIRL: No, we're not big. You're just really small, a really small dinosaur.

JIM: Wait, what? I'm a dinosaur? No, I don't want to be a dinosaur.

GIRL: Hold on. I think when the potions fell on us, they turned us into animals.

SCIENTIST: Oh, no. What happened here? How did these potions fall off the shelf?

GIRL: Sorry, dad. It was Jim's fault.

JIM: Hey, sorry. I didn't mean it.

SCIENTIST: It's OK. We got bigger problems now. We got to find you the cure.

TIM: So what's the cure?

SCIENTIST: Well, the cure is--

[glass shattering]

GIRL: Dad, is that you?

SCIENTIST: [squeaking]

GIRL: What? I can't hear you.

TIM: I can hear. He's saying, yes, dear, it's me.

GIRL: Oh, no. You're an ant. What are we going to do now? You were just about to tell us what the cure was.


TIM: He said he knows where the cure is. He wants us to follow him.


JIM: Oh, no. I'm too small to reach the handle. I know what to do.


[door squeaks open]



TIM: Wait, what?

JIM: We're all back to normal. Whoo-hoo!

GIRL: Dad, what happened?

SCIENTIST: Well, I was trying to tell you that the cure is sunshine!

ALL: Yay, we all love sunshine!

TIM: Finally, I was so sick of being a chicken.

[looney tunes theme song]

PORKY PIG: (STAMMERING) That's all folks.

[looney tunes theme song]

End of transcript
