Eureka Public School - The Golden Shovel

Duration: 4:10

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Transcript – Eureka Public School - The Golden Shovel

MISS LISA: Listen, students. This is the golden shovel. It is the most expensive and precious item we have at the school. It has been here for generations. It is very expensive. So we must not lay a finger on it.


MR. DEMPSTER: [groans] I have so many bills to pay. I want to get that money. I know the place. [evil laugh]

BOY 1: The golden shovel is gone!

BOY 2: OMG, it's really gone.

GIRLS: Let's check. Maybe it's fallen down. Miss Lisa! Miss Lisa!

BOY 3: Why is everybody screaming?

STUDENT 1: Have you not heard the golden shovel went missing?

GIRL 1: Miss Lisa!

MISS LISA: It couldn't possibly be. Listen here, kids, we are going to look for the golden shovel. This has an absolute priority. In groups of four, you will search the school grounds. I do not want you to come back empty-handed. If we have to stay here all night, so be it. When your parents get here, they will help too.

BOY 1: Let's go to the greenhouse.

BOY 2: Good idea. I think something's hiding in there.

GIRL 2: Look, I found it.

GIRL 1: No, silly, that's just a rubber duck.

BOY 3: It might be buried.

GIRL 3: Let's dig.

BOY 4: I found it! I found it!

STUDENT 1: It's just a yellow shovel. It's worthless.

GIRL 4: Shh!

GIRL 5: (WHISPERING) What are you saying?

GIRL 4: Look here.

STUDENT 2: This is so scary.

STUDENT 3: on, you scaredy cat. I'll go in.

STUDENT 2: No! Don't go in. You'll die.

STUDENT 3: Oh, seriously? We were there yesterday.

GIRL 4: Oh, yeah.

[phone ringing]

MR. DEMPSTER: Hi. Oh, hi, Linda. Yes, yes. Thank you again. Do you mind coming back tomorrow? Well, I won't be there. But I'm sure they'll find a replacement soon enough. No, whatever. Later.

STUDENT 3: go and show, Miss Lisa.

MR. DEMPSTER: [gasps] Where's the golden shovel?

MISS LISA: You found it. I'm so proud of you. Who took it?

GIRL 4: Maybe someone who doesn't have a lot of money.

MISS LISA: Mr. Dempster. He has no money, because he has to pay the bills.

STUDENT 3: He must've stolen it because it's solid gold.

MISS LISA: All right, that's it. Mr. Dempster!


MISS LISA: You stole the golden shovel!


[everyone yelling]

STUDENTS: Mr. Dempster, you are under arrest. Yay!

(singing) You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know--

End of transcript
