Eureka Public School - You Pop It, You Get It

Duration: 3:30

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Transcript – Eureka Public School - You Pop It, You Get It

- And then the horse ate Jack.

- Oh.

- Oscar, where is your toy?

- I'll go get it, Miss.

- OK. Everyone quiet now. I'm going to start reading.

- Plus 2, plus 2, equals 5.

[school bell]

OK. That's the bell. Everyone go get their lunch. Alicia, can you please stay for a few minutes? All right. Alicia, I've just noticed that you've been distracted lately.

- Oh. It's just that my--

- I guessed that. I got you this pop-it. I got this pop-it for you to help you.

- Oh. Thanks, but I find pop-its a bit distracting. Thanks, though.

- No, no, no. You have it.

- But--

- No. No buts. Go and have a good lunch.

- OK. Thanks, Miss. Hello? Anyone there? Oscar! Oscar! No, no, no, no.

- What did you do? Is he dead?

- I don't know.

- Alicia! You're going to have to come with me. I'm calling the police.

- But I didn't do it.

- Can I go now?

- No.

- Actually, yes. She can.

- Sorry, Miss, but there's not enough evidence to show she actually committed the crime.

- For all we know, she have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

- But--

- She can go.

- Yes, Alicia?

- My book is all filled up. Can I get a new one?

- OK. Come up here and show me, please. Actually, can you go get one in the storage room?

- Oh my. Miss Swanson!

- My, my. What is the problem? I have a class to teach.

- Look.

- [gasp] You're coming with me.

- But--

- Miss Green. Miss Green.

- Yes? What ever is the matter?

- Look in the storage room.

- Is there a snake?

- [gasp]

- Call the police. This child is a murderer.

[police sirens]

- Who could it be? Who could it be? Who could it-- wait. It must have been Harry. Harry was the last person with Jess. But wait, Harry came back with Jess. I mean, he couldn't have killed her. Poor Jess. Poor Oscar. Poor everyone else. What am I going to do? When was the last time I even saw Oscar? Before lunch. He was in the room when Miss Swanson gave me the pop-it. Meaning the only person that could have killed him was Miss Swanson.

- Alicia. I'm afraid you're going to have to come with me.

- Oh, I've got to go.

- Don't you dare tell anyone that, you dirty little rat.

- Oh!

- Come back here!

- My dear Miss Swanson, or should I say Mr Swanson, you're under arrest.

- No fair. You kids sent my wife crazy.

- We did what?

- All she does is sit at home and murmurs about test results.

- Doesn't mean you can kill children.

- I didn't kill them I just gave them a lolly with a sleeping pill inside of them. Oh, they should be awake in a few days or months.

End of transcript
