Lismore Heights Public School - Kidnapped

Duration: 3:29

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Transcript – Lismore Heights Public School - Kidnapped

BOB JACKSON: Hi. I'm Bob Jackson from 7 News. And I'm here with Sylvie Queen, the world-famous singer, to talk to us about her new album. So Sylvie Queen, what's your new album about?

SYLVIE QUEEN: I would like to announce, I've just made my new album. And it is called 'Kidnap--' [screams]

BOB JACKSON: OK, thanks. Viewers, don't worry. John Greyson's coming.

JOHN GREYSON: Somebody called John Greyson?

BOB JACKSON: John Greyson, you're here. Sylvie Queen, the world-famous singer has been kidnapped.

JOHN GREYSON: It seems like a hard case. But luckily, wherever I go, Sunshine follows!

BOB JACKSON: But isn't it cloudy?

JOHN GREYSON: Oh, yeah, Sunshine is my co-detective.

SUNSHINE: For the last time, will you take off that cape?

JOHN GREYSON: What? I reckon it looks great. What's the matter with it?

SUNSHINE: You're not a superhero.

JOHN GREYSON: Fine! You happy?


BOB JACKSON: This is where I last saw her.

JOHN GREYSON: OK. [inaudible]

BOB JACKSON: Hello? [gasps] Guys, I gotta go.

SUNSHINE: Wait, why are you leaving?

BOB JACKSON: The [inaudible] computer's down in the station.

JOHN GREYSON: [protesting]

SUNSHINE: It's fine. We've got it under control.


SUNSHINE: We should go into the forest to check for clues.

JOHN GREYSON: There could be monsters.

SUNSHINE: [laughs] You're not scared of monsters, are you?

JOHN GREYSON: No. No. Come on.

(SHRIEKING) My sunnies! Where'd they go?

SUNSHINE: You don't need your sunnies, John. You'll be fine without them.

JOHN GREYSON: I want them.

SUNSHINE: Where are you?

JOHN GREYSON: I'm here. I'm hiding from all the monsters.

SUNSHINE: Not the monsters again. There are no monsters in here. Come righ here right now.

JOHN GREYSON: OK, fine. Where do you reckon they could be?

SUNSHINE: Maybe over there, in that shack-looking thing?

JOHN GREYSON: Yeah, looks about right.

SUNSHINE: Come on.

JOHN GREYSON: [breathing fast]

SUNSHINE: Come on. It was only 200 metres.

JOHN GREYSON: That's a long way. Do you reckon she's in here?

SUNSHINE: Probably.

JOHN GREYSON: It's locked. Let's go.

SUNSHINE: No, it's fine. I know how to pick a lock.

[lock clattering]




It just looks like a sport shed.

SYLVIE QUEEN: Finally, you're here.

SUNSHINE: Oh, there she is. OK.

SYLVIE QUEEN: Help me out of this thing.

JOHN GREYSON: Oh, I'm not good with knots. Can you do that?

SUNSHINE: It's not that hard, John.

JOHN GREYSON: Whatever. Are you OK?

SYLVIE QUEEN: I'm going to be late for my concert!


SUNSHINE: Where's--

JOHN GREYSON: Hey, the kidnapper!

SUNSHINE: Come back here!

[loud crash]

John, come on. [grunts]

JOHN GREYSON: Come back here!

SUNSHINE: Where could she have gone?

JOHN GREYSON: Guess we just have to give up.

SUNSHINE: Wait, there she is. Yeah, found her.

KIDNAPPER: [yells]

BOB JACKSON: Welcome back to 7 News. Our top story, recent news has discovered that the greatness behind John Greyson is actually his assistant, Detective Sunshine. So Sunshine, what are your thoughts on this?

SUNSHINE: John Greyson has been stealing my sunshine for way too long. From now on, wherever I go, John follows.


SUNSHINE: Come on, John.

BOB JACKSON: The end. Credits.

End of transcript
