Upper Coopers Creek Public School - Sunny Side Up

Duration: 3:43

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Transcript – Upper Coopers Creek Public School - Sunny Side Up

[upbeat music playing]

STUDENT 1: Are you in? Are you in or out? You're in.

STUDENT 2: Ruby's in still. [inaudible] is in.

STUDENT 3: It's a nice, sunny day.

[whistle blows]

ANGRY TEACHER: We're going to go inside, do spelling, do times tables, do math, and no sunlight. None. None. None. None.

STUDENT 4: It's so unfair. The chickens don't have to go in class.

STUDENT 5: They get to stay in the sun all day.

STUDENT 6: I wish I was a chicken.

WIZARD: I know the perfect spell. You and the chickens will switch bodies. You will become the chickens, and the chickens will become you.

STUDENTS: [cheering]

WIZARD: Chickety bickety human chicken. From 9:00 till 3:00 you'll be a chicken. Don't go to KFC or you'll be finger lickin'. Swap bodies now, the clocks a-ticking.

STUDENTS: [clucking like chickens]

[whistle toots]

ANGRY TEACHER: I told you kids to get to class, like, 30 minutes ago. Go!

[frantic music playing]

STUDENTS: [clucking like chickens]

CHICKENS: Yay. Yay. Yay. Yay.

[upbeat music playing]

CHICKEN: You're in.

CHICKEN: No, you're in.

ANGRY TEACHER: What are you doing [inaudible]? Literally going wild. Wild, I tell you. Wild.

STUDENTS: [clucking like chickens]

CHICKEN: Look at me. I'm up here.

ANGRY TEACHER: Cut! You're meant to be on the computers.

CHICKEN: Who wants to play soccer?

ANGRY TEACHER: What is going on? Your throwing pencils everywhere and now you're making a nest out of pillows.

[upbeat music playing]

ANGRY TEACHER: No. Don't use them like that-- with your hands, like this.

STUDENTS: Yay! We were chickens. [inaudible] go to class. And chickens-- yes.

[upbeat music playing]

STUDENT: [clucking like a chicken]

End of transcript
