Video transcript
Film By the Northern Rivers 2023 - 19. Wyrallah Road Public School - The Gem Keeper's Quest

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NARRATOR: He works at the museum that is next to the graveyard. On this night, he went to see his dad at his grave. But as he got closer, he realised that his dad's grave was just a deep, black hole in the ground.

JASON: Oh, where is my dad?

NARRATOR: Jason is the gem keeper. And when he came back from the graveyard, the gem was missing. Jason looked everywhere, but there was no trace of anyone's departure, except for his.

JASON: This is especially bad, as I am the gem keeper.

FATHER: Jason, it's me, your father. Come here.

JASON: My father is dead. I need to find the gem. And I can't have any distractions.

FATHER: I said, get here now!

JASON: Please don't kill me.

FATHER: Oh, don't try playing with your father.

AUNT: Are you my nephew?

JASON: Who are you?

AUNT: I'm your aunt. I died years before you were born.

JASON: I'm so sorry.

AUNT: At least I can see you now.

JASON: You're a zombie, for goodness sake. And the only reason that you can see me is because the gem was stolen. Sorry. We need to find the gem, or the whole world will perish. I have everything we need to fix this at my house.

AUNT: Ma, do you know where the gem is?

GREAT AUNT: Yeah, but I'm not telling you. If I don't get to leave, then nobody should. Mwahaha.

AUNT: Don't be so selfish, Ma.

GREAT AUNT: Like you can tell me what to do.

AUNT: Well then, we'll just have to do it ourselves.


JASON: Where did you spawn?

AUNT: From a crack in a gem.

JASON: So where's the gem?

AUNT: It's in a mountain cave near a river.

JASON: Maybe it's in Ghost Mountain. It fits your description. Oh, my god!

[people screaming]

We're being attacked by zombies and ghosts!

AUNT: We need to get to your house and fast.

[people screaming]

NARRATOR: Jason and Zeena begin their journey to go to Ghost Mountain.

JASON: This is so hard. Surely it's breakfast. There it is!

[humming epic theme]


JASON: It's been two long hours. There's bindies.

DIRECTOR: All right. OK, so I think you're--

Is that a bad shot?


End of transcript