Video transcript
Film By the Pasture 2023 - 04. Cecil Hills Public School - The Unforgettable Teacher-less Day

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STUDENT 1: Hey, guys. Wait, where's the teacher?

STUDENT 2: I have no idea. Maybe they're in the staff room.

STUDENT 1: Maybe.

STUDENT 3: Nope, I don't see anyone here either.

STUDENT 4: Maybe it's a surprise holiday.

STUDENT 5: Ooh, that'd be awesome.

NARRATOR: The students began searching the school, trying to find any sign of the teachers.

STUDENT 1: Can you see any teachers?


STUDENT 4: I don't know. Let's search the library.

STUDENT 2: Maybe they'll be there.

STUDENT 3: I don't even know if they're in the school.

STUDENT 2: Yeah.

STUDENT 4: I guess the teachers pulled a disappearing act.

NARRATOR: After a thorough search, the students gathered in the classroom.

STUDENT 1: I can't believe it. I actually think the teachers might have forgot to come to school today.

STUDENT 2: It's like they all vanished into thin air.

STUDENT 3: I've heard of students jigging school, but this is the first time I've seen teachers do it.

STUDENT 5: So what do we do now?

NARRATOR: With no teachers around, the students decide to take charge of the school for the day.

STUDENT 1: OK, let's stay calm and make the best of this day.

STUDENT 2: We could organise fun activities and learn together.

STUDENT 3: I've always wanted to teach a class.

STUDENT 4: Me too. I'll be the math wizard of the day.


STUDENT 5: And I'll lead the art class.

NARRATOR: Throughout the day, the students took turns leading classes, playing games and learning together.

STUDENT 1: Good morning, students. Today, we have the spelling bee.

STUDENT 2: I'll go first. C-A-T, cat.

STUDENT 3: Woo! Great job, Angelica.

STUDENT 4: Now let's solve a tricky problem.

STUDENT 5: And now let's draw a pretty flower.

NARRATOR: At lunch time, the students prepared a potluck with snacks that they brought from home.

STUDENT 1: Guys, it's literally like we're having our own picnic, but in school.

STUDENT 5: I know.

STUDENT 1: It's amazing.

STUDENT 2: Who needs teachers when we can have so much fun?

NARRATOR: As the school day came to an end, the students gathered once more in the schoolyard.

STUDENT 1: Guys, you know what? Today has been the most amazing day. It's better than every average school day.

STUDENT 5: Yeah.

STUDENT 2: I can't believe we turned a teacherless day into fun and learning.

STUDENT 3: We should do this more often.

STUDENT 5: Well, I hope the teachers won't be mad when they find out.

STUDENT 6: Oh my gosh. Here comes the teachers.

TEACHER: I am so sorry, students, for not being here today. There was a schedule mixup. But we're here now.

STUDENT 1: Don't worry. It's fine, Miss. We had an amazing day running the school by ourselves.

STUDENT 2: Yeah. We were the teachers for the day.

STUDENT 3: And we learned so much from each other.

STUDENT 1: I know.

STUDENT 4: It was so much fun.

STUDENT 5: I even learnt to draw the prettiest flower.

TEACHER: I love that for you guys.

STUDENT 4: And I learned how to do math, and--

TEACHER: That is fantastic.

STUDENT 4: --and I also got to be the math wizard.

STUDENT 6: I learned how to write better.

TEACHER: Well done. Look at you all.

STUDENT 1: I taught a spelling bee.

TEACHER: Woo-hoo!

STUDENT 3: And I won the spelling bee.

STUDENT 6: Now I can spell better. Before, I spelled cat like key.

ALL: Yay!

End of transcript