Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 04. Cronulla Public School - House Wars

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[music playing]

- Give me an R!

- R!

- Give me an E!

- E!

- Give me a D!

- D! What's that spell? Red, red, red!


- Quick, take him to sick bay.

[side conversations]

- That was hilarious.

- Now listen up, we must win the [?inaudible] this year. Losing is not an option. If we win this year, it means no one has beaten me for five years straight. It is a record I can't lose.

- I'm in.

- Me too, but how will we do that? It's not like we can change the point score. Can we?


- Take your marks! Get set.

[whistle blows]

- Go!

- Go, [?inaudible]!


- Hello and welcome to Tonkin News. My name is Jared Lewis, and today, I'm at Bayside Public School, where we have breaking news. Bayside Public School is at war over the true victor of the athletics carnival. Here with me, I have Ben. Hi, Ben.

- Hi there.

- How are you feeling? I hear from other students that you were hit with the [?inaudible].

- Not good. I'm really not good. I'm battered and bruised from head to toe.

- Back to you at the newsroom.


- What's that sound?

- I think it's that safe over there.

- I wonder what Miss Fortune's keeping in there.

- Look! There's a piece of paper with numbers on it.

- Do you think it could be the numbers for the safe?

- Try it and see.

- Look! Our team won! I knew it!

- Oh, no! Miss Fortune has been tampering with the results so that her team wins. I knew she was up to something.

- We can't let her get away with this. We'll have to tell everyone this at assembly.

- Are there any teacher messages?

- I'm very proud to announce the winner of this year's athletics carnival for a straight fifth year in a row. They really are unstoppable. It is--

- Stop!

- Miss Fortune has been tampering with the results.

- Yeah? Prove it.

- We found the real [inaudible] results hidden in Miss Fortune's office, and she's changed them.

- The [inaudible] has won this year!

- Yay!


- Hello and welcome to Tonkin News. My name is Jared Lewis, and I'm recording live from Bayside Public School, where it appears they've caught the culprit.

- It was Miss Fortune all along. She was fudging with the results.

- Winning isn't everything.

- You got this. [?inaudible]

- Yeah! Now let's go [?inaudible].

[music playing]

End of transcript