Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 06. Grays Point Public School - Farm for a Day
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[happy music playing]
NARRATOR: It was just another ordinary day on the way to school on the bus. But everybody fell asleep. When we woke up, our school turned into a farm for the day. Instead of class lines, we rode a tractor to class.
Some of the teachers looked a little bit different. We started our day singing 'Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.' Recess was a gaggle of fun. Our maths for the day came in the form of counting piglets. Our sport was whipcracking.
GIRL 1: Look there. [gasp]
NARRATOR: The teacher at lunch on duty was incredibly strict. We all herded to assembly after lunch. Our writing for the day was a procedure on how to milk a cow. It's fun learning about where milk comes from.
STUDENTS: We milked a cow.
BOY: But the kids looked a bit funny too.
GIRL 2: I wonder what it would be like when I was an animal. Hm.
GIRL 3: Horsies!
NARRATOR: The kindy stalls were little bit stinky.
NARRATOR: We loved having our school turned into our farm for a day. But we are happy for it to go back to normal tomorrow. We had the best day ever.
[happy music playing]
End of transcript