Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 07. Grays Point Public School - The Hungry Imagination Monster

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[poignant piano music playing]

NARRATOR: Once upon a time in a boring world, there lived a young girl named Tammy. Every day, Tammy would wake up to the same grey sky, walk to the same grey school, and return to the same grey neighbourhood in Grays Point. Everything was plain and unexciting just like everyone else around her.

It was just another day at school, another boring lesson. Little did they know that this visit to the library would lead them to an unexpected encounter.

[dramatic music playing]

[electronic warp]

MUNCH: Hello, children. I am Munch the Hungry Imagination Monster.

STUDENT 1: An imagination monster? What do you want, Munch?

MUNCH: I want to grow big and strong by reading books with all of you. When you read, your imagination comes alive, and that feeds me, making me grow, and it brings colours and magic to this world.

STUDENT 2: So by reading, we can make Grays Point more colourful?

STUDENT 3: That sounds amazing.

MUNCH: Yes, that is correct. (singing) My imagination is a hungry beast. Stories are the food it loves to feast on. The more I feed it, the more it grows. Where it will end nobody knows. Feed me. I'm hungry. Feed me.

LIBRARIAN: What's all this fuss about, children?

STUDENT 4: Meet Munch. He wants us to read books so the world is more colourful again.

LIBRARIAN: Reading can indeed open up new worlds and make our lives more colourful.

MUNCH: Take a look at these books.

[uplifting music playing]

STUDENT 3: Look, the world is becoming more colourful already.

STUDENT 4: And it's not dull or boring anymore.

STUDENT 5: Let's go and share these books with our friends.

STUDENT 3: I feel like I'm really riding a broomstick with Harry Potter.

MUNCH AND STUDENT 3: (singing) Hitch a ride with Harry on a magic broomstick.

STUDENTS 1 AND 6: (singing) Follow Alice down a rabbit hole.

STUDENTS 2 AND 7: (singing) Hang around with Huckleberry Finn

STUDENTS 8 AND 9: And hobbits.

STUDENTS 10 and 5: (singing) Take me where the wild things are.

[uplifting music playing]

NARRATOR: Tammy learned that a dull world could become more vibrant with a hungry imagination.

Who knew reading could lead to friendships with the most unexpected of characters?

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