Jannali East Public School - Mumma Bear's Bad Hair Day

Duration: 3:24

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Transcript – Jannali East Public School - Mumma Bear's Bad Hair Day

ALL: Mama bear's bad hair day.

[upbeat music playing]

STUDENT 1: Mama bear had an endless task.

STUDENT 2: She'd drive us to school, and we wouldn't even ask.

STUDENT 3: She would cook for dinner and clean all our shoes, pack a sandwich for lunch, and listen to our news.

STUDENT 1: She'd pick up our clothes, wash and put them away--

STUDENT 2: Just to find them all worn the very next day.

STUDENT 1: She seemed happy in her role from this day to that.

STUDENT 2: Always laughing and cheering, as she swept while we sat.

ALL: Until--

STUDENT 1: She woke up one morning with frizzy-frizz hair.

MAMA BEAR: Oh, goodness.

STUDENT 1: --cried Mama.

MAMA BEAR: I'm not going anywhere. If anyone saw me, they'd all stop and stare. Get your own lunch today. I'm a frizzy-frizz bear.

ALL: Iris and her family followed no rules for that day.

STUDENT 1: Undies and socks were all over the floor. A mountain of shoes piled high at the door.

STUDENT 2: Books were strewn upon the ground. And hundreds of blocks were scattered around.

STUDENT 1: We battled to control the remote for the telly. The table was smeared with ice cream and jelly. A stack of dishes and cups in the sink, the bin overflowed, our home began to stink. The dog was allowed in with mud from a yard. Coming clean from here would be very hard.


IRIS: I have an announcement--

STUDENT 4: --said Iris.

IRIS: I've got an idea that might help with bad hair. We all know Mum's jobs. Perhaps we could share.

GIRL: We'll clean the place up, and give Mum a surprise.

GIRLS: Only then, with good hair, from bed will she rise.

IRIS: We cooked our dinner, and gave some to Mum. She gave us a smile, and ate every crumb.

GIRL: So we picked up the stuff from all over the floor--

IRIS: Gave the dog a stick and sent it out the door. We put the bin out, and cleaned every plate, tucked ourselves into bed before it got late. When night turned to day, I'm so pleased to say my Mum had recovered, and she wanted to play.

MAMA BEAR: Let's get out of the house, just go out for the day.

PAPA BEAR: And for dinner tonight, let's eat takeaway.

STUDENTS: [cheers]

IRIS: So it all worked out well. Oh, what did we learn?

PAPA BEAR: That chores aren't for one.

ALL: We should all take a turn.

[upbeat music playing]

End of transcript
