Jannali East Public School - The Life of the Blobs

Duration: 1:52

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Transcript – Jannali East Public School - The Life of the Blobs

[eerie music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

GIRL: Oh! We're late for school! We gotta go!

PURPLE BLOB: Psst. Hey, are they gone?

PINK BLOB: Yeah, I think so. Let's go.

[happy music playing]

[children cheering]

[jazzy music playing]

BLOBS: Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.

[techno music playing]


[upbeat music playing]

PINK BLOB: Let's help them do their homework.

GIRL: Mum, we're home.

BOY: We're home.

[alarm klaxon]

PURPLE BLOB: Quick! Hurry!

GIRL: What happened?

BOY: Mum!

[bright music playing]

End of transcript
