Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 13. Loftus Public School - Hidden Fortune

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- Australia, 1854. Loftus Creek Gold Fields, Loftus, New South Wales.

Tommy, the youngest son of a struggling miner is to travel from his family camp to the Loftus Creek Gold Field to find their fortune. Tommy is really scared, but his trusty Teddy Bear George will be with him for the day on the mining adventure.

[music playing]

- Got everything you need, Da?

- Almost ready, honey.

- Tommy, get over here and help your old man out!

- Don't forget George.

- You're not bringing that lovely [inaudible], are you?

- Yeah, Tommy. [inaudible].

- Oh, let him take it. What harm could it do? Might even bring him some luck.

- I'm really struggling to feed my family. Reckon we got about a week left before I give up.

- Maybe we need to take up their job.

- [inaudible]

- Let's make our own luck then. But today, we work for it.

- I don't mind telling you, but I'm a bit scared about going mining today. I heard Captain Hunter the bushranger was roaming around these parts. I brought George to protect me.

- Captain Hunter the Cruel? I'm not scared of him. Fancy bringing that ugly old ratty thing with you. You really are a wimpy baby. Can't believe you're my best friend.

- How's 30 shillings for that lot?

- About right.

- Thank you, sir. We hope to see you again.

- Bread! Get your bread here. One Shilling a loaf. Cheapest in town.

- I'll take two.

- Same here.

- Eureka! Our luck has changed!

[bell ringing]

- Run and scatter, boys. Captain Hunter the Cruel and his bushranger gang are coming.

- Bow, lot! You know the drill. Give us all your loot! I'll have that bear too, lad.

- Oh, come on Captain! We're cruel, not mean. Leave the boy his bear. It's probably worthless.

[trumpet playing]

- We've been spotted, lads! Run!


- What is it, love? What happened?

- I had it. I held it, and now it's gone. Our fortune, taken by a bandit.

- No, it wasn't. It was taken by George.

[music playing]

- What are you talking about, [inaudible]?

- George. I hid the nugget inside George. Here it is. Pretty clever, huh?

- I told you that bear would bring us luck.

- No, mum. That bear brought us our fortune.

End of transcript