Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 14. Marton Public School - Passing on the Cape

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[children chattering]

KID 1: Today, are you guys doing your speeches?

KID 2: I think today.

KID 3: I think tomorrow.

KID 1: So what do you get for your birthday?

KID 4: He choked on watermelon.

KID 1: Of all the stories, he's the best one.

CAPTAIN CROOK: Hello. My name is Captain Crook. You've probably heard of me. I'm Stanley Public School's number one saviour and resident superhero. Obviously, I can't reveal my true identity.

KID 5: Hey, Leroy, the Frisbee is stuck on a tree again.

CAPTAIN CROOK: Duty calls.

I'm retiring to high school in a few weeks. So today, I'll be conducting tryouts to see who I'll be passing my cape on to. I've narrowed it down to four impressive capes.


Hi, I'm Worm Girl. People say I'm really kind. I love bugs and-- a butterfly. Sorry, what were we doing again?

SPEEDY SAM: Anyways, I'm Speedy Sam. I'm the sixth fastest kid in the entire school.

SKUNK BOY: Hi, I'm Skunk Boy.

CAPTAIN CROOK: So Skunk Boy, what's your power?

SKUNK BOY: I'm doing it right now.

SILLY PHIL: Good for you, mate. Hi, my name is Silly Phil. I hate crime and love making people laugh. People say I'm really fun at parties. I also collect rocks.

CAPTAIN CROOK: There'll be four superhero trials. First up is the flight test. On the count of three, you guys are going to jump-- 1, 2, 3.

KIDS: [groaning, crying]

SILLY PHIL: My eyes! My beautiful eyes! [scream]

CAPTAIN CROOK: All superheroes need to be strong.

STUDENT: I'm not even getting paid.

CAPTAIN CROOK: Come on, are you superheroes or not?

SILLY PHIL: I guess.

CAPTAIN CROOK: What are all superheroes?

KIDS: Strong. [groaning]

CAPTAIN CROOK: This is the toughness test. And these are the hottest chilies in the world. Just to warn you, they're banned in 3 states. Everybody take one. Fine, I'll do it. It's not even hot.

WORM GIRL: The chillies? Yeah, they were hot. Awesome work today, future superheroes. Now, for the final test.

SPEEDY SAM: So yeah, we quit.

CAPTAIN CROOK: Maybe there just aren't any more superheroes.

I'd like to introduce Kid Crook. It turns out our school is in safe hands, after all.

KID CROOK: You're weird Captain Cook.

CAPTAIN CROOK: Captain Crook. It's a work in progress. Ahh!


[upbeat music playing]

CAPTAIN CROOK: Captain Crook, signing out.

End of transcript