Oyster Bay Public School - Karen's Recipe for Change

Duration: 3:30

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Transcript – Oyster Bay Public School - Karen's Recipe for Change

[upbeat music playing]

KAREN: This is not good enough. I nee five sausages. And you two are not helping a bit. I'm your boss. You better bring tucker, or you're fired.

CHEF: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I try my best.

KAREN: Your best isn't good enough. One more word out of your mouth, and your bank account will be the sorry one.

JIMMY: Leave her alone, Karen. Why don't you try cooking?

KAREN: Your food will be revolting. Just a heads up, my chefs are terrible.

CUSTOMER 1: Oh, dear. I've heard this place is delicious.

KAREN: Well, this time it will be different.

CUSTOMERS: Such a Karen.

BOBBI: What in the world are you doing? You're burning the heck out of that steak.

KAREN: What do you mean? This steak is perfect. See?

JIMMY: I didn't mean to interrupt you, but that's way too burnt.

CUSTOMER 1: Excuse me, Karen. But I must say that the food today is excellent. Your chefs did an amazing job.

KAREN: Well, they better. They're meant to do their jobs properly. Aren't they?

CUSTOMER 1: It seems like they're doing an excellent job, though. Maybe you should give them some credit.

JIMMY: Phew, that was intense. But I'm glad the customers enjoyed the food.

BOBBI: Karen's just so mean. I'm not surprised we have no customers.

JIMMY: You know, Bob, I've always wondered why Karen turned out this way. I mean, she must have had her fair shares of struggles as well.

BOBBI: What do you mean?

JIMMY: People don't just become mean for no reason. She probably had a mean boss herself. Or maybe life hasn't been kind to her.

BOBBI: Maybe we can change things, not just for ourselves, but for her too. Show that kindness can lead to success.

KAREN: What are you two whispering about?

JIMMY: We were just talking about our plans to improve the cafe.

BOBBI: Yeah. We want to make this place the best it can be.

JIMMY: You know Karen, you used to be like us once, young and full of dreams.

[dreamlike tone plays]

MEAN BOSS: Karen, your coffee making skills are horrendous. You will never amount to anything in this industry.

KAREN: I'll try harder. I promise. That was a long time ago. It doesn't matter now.

JIMMY: It does matter, Karen. We just want you to know that we're not here to be your enemies. We want this place to succeed too.

BOBBI: We believe that, together, we can turn this cafe into something incredible.

KAREN: You don't get it. It's a tough industry. And I have to be tough to survive.

JIMMY: Being tough is one thing, but being kind is another. We believe in being firm but also treating others with respect.

KAREN: Well, just get back to work, both of you. Let's see what you can do. Maybe they're right. I don't have to be so harsh all the time.

[uplifting music playing]

End of transcript
