Video transcript
Film By the Sea 2023 - 19. Sutherland Public School - We're Going on a Yowie Hunt

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ALISTAIR: G'day, today, we are going to be looking for the yowie, to see if it is still alive among us. But it's dangerous to find a yowie alone so thankfully, I have you guys to help me in the hunt. Make sure we stick together and report any potential findings.

ISABELLA: I really don't want to do this. You know they aren't real, right? The yowie is just some stupid old Australian folklore.

MARLEY: It's all right if it isn't real. We can still enjoy a day out in nature.

[feet crunching leaves]

FLYNT: I'm not really sure of this whole hunting guide. I think maybe we should just leave, because the yowie is really dangerous. Guys, come on. Let's--



Look, it touched me. Can you see what it did?

[incoherent speech]

I'm going to die! Oh!

MARLEY: Are you OK, Flynt?


ALISTAIR: Amazing, this looks like some yowie fur.

ISABELLA: Seriously? It just looks like some possum fur to me. I honestly don't think we are going to find that creature.

MARLEY: Well, it could be a yowie or it could be a possum. Let's keep an open mind and see what else we can find.

MOLLY: Oh, wow. The scenery and lighting is just perfect for taking selfies.

[camera clicks]

Guys, come look. I found it. I really found it.

[excited chatter]

ISABELLA: Can you see it?

MARLEY: Can you? Can you? Can you?

ISABELLA: Yeah, right. I knew it wasn't real. That's a yowie, all right, a big scary chocolate one.

MARLEY: Molly, you know we're looking for a real yowie, right? A big one, not some chocolate.

MOLLY: Oh, I guess I get to eat it then. You're loss, yum.

MILA: What are we talking about? I was looking for the big fluffy thing.

MARLEY: We're looking for a--

ALL: Yowie, Mila.

MILA: Oh, whatever.

[footsteps crunching]

What are we doing here again?

MARLEY: We're looking for the yowie. Remember, Mila? And guys, keep your eyes peeled to see if you can find anything that Alistair could use as proof.

MILA: Whoa. Ow. Alistair, you need to come see this.

ISABELLA: This isn't all about you. Hurry up.

MARLEY: No, Isabella, I think she's right. Alistair, come check out these scratch marks.

ALISTAIR: Wow, see here how you can make out there are four claw marks. I'm not sure, but you could be right, Mila. These might be yowie marks.

FLYNT: Scratch marks? What scratch marks?

[camera clicks]

ISABELLA: Ugh, seriously guys? These are not yowie marks. They are just possum scratches. Possums are native to Australia, remember?

MARLEY: It's OK, Flynt. We aren't 100% sure if it's a yowie yet. And guys, it's getting pretty late.

ALISTAIR: I think we've collected enough evidence to prepare our findings. Let's head back now. From our potential sightings, we can conclude the yowie is, in fact, not real. These can all happen naturally and thus, the yowie is a myth.

[poignant piano music playing]

End of transcript