Abermain Public School - A Forbidden Talent!

Duration: 2:58

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Transcript – Abermain Public School - A Forbidden Talent!

[music playing]

- It's just not-- it's not working.

- Hey, guys. I have a special power. Can I show you?

- Sure.

- So I'm going to move that chair over to there without touching it. Why isn't it working? Work! Why isn't it working?



- What is going on here?

- She was just trying to show a magic trick.



- Oh. That's where I left my pencil.

- People leave this room in such a mess. I better clean it up.

- Whoa. She can really do it.

- Good job. Well done.

- Miss Burford. Miss Burford.

- Emily has a special telekinesis power. We're all in danger. She's going to destroy the whole school!

- Sweetie. Evelyn. Honey. Calm down. Let me get you a chair. Here you go. I'll call Mrs. Shabowski. Hi, Brooke. Yeah. Mhm. Could you send Emily to my room? One of my students have told me something. Yeah. It's Holly speaking. OK. Yeah. Thank you. OK. Yeah. She's coming.

So Evelyn, honey. What your problem-- Whoopsie daisy. You know Miss Burford, so clumsy. All righty. Evelyn, honey. What are your problem? Oh my gosh. You just reminded me, I forgot to tell Mrs. Shabowski to send Emily to solution space, not my room. Oh. I'll send her an email. There we go. Emily, honey. Come with me. I know you have a secret telekinesis power.

- What?

- And stay in here.

[drums and bells]



End of transcript
