Bellbird Public School - My Superpower

Duration: 1:20

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Transcript – Bellbird Public School - My Superpower

- It was like--

- Hey, guys.

- Hi.

- Hey, guys, guess what.

- What?

- I've got superpowers.

- I doubt it.

- No you don't.

- No.

- No, you don't.

- I doubt it.

- It's obvious that you're lying.

- As if.

- Liar.

- Stop lying.

- No, seriously, I do.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Prove it.

- Watch this.

- It won't--

- Where'd she go?

- What happened?

- Where is she?

[music playing]

- Where'd you go?


- Tell me everything.


- Are you Ava or are you an alien?

- What?

- Are you human?

- Where were you? What happened?

- Well, I was born with this superpower, and it's pretty cool.

[music playing]

End of transcript
