Video transcript
Film By the Vines 2023 - 08. Branxton Public School - The Girl Who Was a Wolf

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[keyboard music playing]


[wolves howling]

NARRATOR: 'Leah, wake up.'

'I just had the strangest dream. I was a-- never mind.'

'OK. Well, time for school.'

A few minutes later-- 'Year 10's go to science.'

'Hello, class. Today, we'll watch a documentary on wolves. Let's get started, shall we?'


'I have to go.'

This makes no sense. I feel like I have wolf ears and a tail. But I don't.

[keyboard clacking]

Why do I feel wolf limbs on me? 'Phantom limbs-- the sense that you have limbs or body parts you don't actually have.' Huh. What helps animal phantom limbs? 'Buying ears, tails, et cetera, helps phantom limbs.'

3 days later.

'Hey, Leah!'

'What's up?'

'You know you're not an animal, right?'


'Then why are you wearing those weird animal ears?'

'Well, if you let me explain, maybe you--'

'You know we're human for a reason. You're not-- I mean, why go back to animals?'

'It doesn't matter anymore.'

After school--

[wordless singing]

'And I really don't know what to tell them, because they just don't listen.'

'Well, sometimes you just don't listen to them either. It's best to stay away from people like that, because who cares what they think? You're being yourself, and that's all that matters.'

'Yeah, I guess you're right.'



'I can't hear you. You have to speak louder.'

'And you.'

'Thank you.'


'You helped me find out that it doesn't matter what people say, as long as you're being yourself.'

After that, I ignored what people said about me, because it doesn't matter. I was being myself and having fun.


'So I basically have a wolf spirit?'

'Yeah, and there's a lot more to learn, too. But that's enough for now. Want to sleep over at my house tonight?'

'Sure. Sounds fun.'

'OK. See you then. [chuckles] We should do this again someday. Anyways, let's watch another video.'

'Good night.'


The end.

[melancholic music playing]

End of transcript