Cessnock High School - Hey Siri

Duration: 1:17

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Transcript – Cessnock High School - Hey Siri

RAHNA: Outdoor babies, it's story time. Sit down.

MADDIE: I heard it's story time. Quiet down, class. I have a story about my past. Back in the year 2023--

RAHNA: --and nothing was clear to me.

MADDIE: I used my phone for everything.

RAHNA: Hey, Siri, text Maddie and tell she can come over.

MADDIE: Hey, Siri, tell Rahna I'm on my way. Hey, Siri, tell Rahna I'm here.

RAHNA: But in 2018, you see, we would rely on something other than Siri.

Mum, what's this.

MADDIE: Dad, watch this?

RAHNA: Auntie, how do I do a handstand? Is it like this? Am I doing it?

MADDIE: Nan, how do I spell 'dog'.

RAHNA: Uncle, I'm hungry.

MADDIE: Granddad, can I go swimming without my floaties?

RAHNA: Stop asking questions and just use Siri.

MADDIE: What's the weather today?

SIRI: It'll be partly cloudy, with a high of 22 and low of 7.


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