Video transcript
Film By the Vines 2023 - 18. Congewai Public School - Unisheep Cafe

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CUSTOMER : I'm ready for my daily coffee and pie.

WAITRESS: What would you like?

CUSTOMER : A coffee, please.

WAITRESS: Anything else?

CUSTOMER : A daily pie. Thank you.

WAITRESS: All right.

CUSTOMER : Here it is.

WAITRESS: Ah, yes. Thank you.

Here is your change.

CUSTOMER : Thank you.

WAITRESS: Your coffee, Madam. Would you like some sugars?

CUSTOMER : Yes, please.

WAITRESS: Here you are.

CUSTOMER : Thanks.

WAITRESS: Have a nice day. Bye.

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: Come on, Sheepy. I'm going to leave you out here, and I'm going to ask if I can bring you in and order some food.

WAITRESS: No. We don't sell lamb burgers. Goodbye. Oh. Hi, what would you like?

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: Popcorn, please.

WAITRESS: All right. Just give me that, and I'll give you some change. Let's see here. First off, we've got to fry it. [inaudible] Eh, whatever. Here's your popcorn.


Can I bring my sheep in here?

WAITRESS: Oh, yes, of course. We are very-- we like animals.


CUSTOMER : [sneeze] Ugh! Why is there a sheep in here? I have allergies!

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: This is my pet!


CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: The owner let it in here.

CUSTOMER : Take that sheep.

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: That lady threw pie at my sheep.

WAITRESS: You're joking.


CUSTOMER : I'm calming down now. But why is there a sheep in here? I need to get some nose spray. Oh, my god. I'm so sick.

WAITRESS: I heard you threw pie at a sheep. That's not very nice. I understand you have allergies, but we don't do that to customers. Why don't we come up with an area separate for animals so that they can enjoy their meal and you can enjoy yours?


CUSTOMER : Yeah. Great idea.

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: Let's get going.

WAITRESS: [inaudible]

Here, I'll help you.

CUSTOMER : Get in there.

WAITRESS: Perfect.

VOICE: Baa. Baa. Baa.

CUSTOMER WITH SHEEP: Is that good grass?

ALL: Here's to 'friend-sheep.'

End of transcript