Ellalong Public School - Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Duration: 3:29

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Transcript – Ellalong Public School - Goldilocks and the Three Bears

READER: One sunny morning, the bears were sitting at the table for their breakfast.

BEAR 1: It's too hot.

BABY BEAR: It's too hot.

BEAR 2: Too hot. I think we should go on a walk.

READER: Since the porridge was too hot, the three bears went for a walk in the forest.

READER: One day, a little girl named Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest. She came upon a house and knocked on the door. When no one answered, Goldilocks went in.

READER: At the kitchen table, Goldilocks saw three bowls of porridge. Goldilocks was really, really hungry.

GOLDILOCKS: This is too hot. This is too cold. This is just right.

READER: After Goldilocks ate some porridge, she needed a rest.

GOLDILOCKS: This chair is too big. This chair is still too big.

READER: Just as she sat in the chair, it broke into pieces.

GOLDILOCKS: Oh, no. I broke the chair. This bed is too hard. This bed is too soft. It's just right.

READER: When Goldilocks got to her last bed, she fell fast asleep. When the three bears came home, they were surprised that the door was opened.

READER: Then they went in the kitchen, and what did they see?

BEAR 1: Who's been eating my porridge?

BABY BEAR: --eating my porridge, too.

BEAR 2: Somebody has been eating my porridge.

READER: Next, the bears went in the living room.

BEAR 2: Somebody's been sitting in my chair.

BABY BEAR: Oh, no. My chair is broken.

READER: Next, the three bears went into their bedroom, and what did they see?

BABY BEAR: Someone's been sleeping in my bed.

BEAR 3: Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too.

READER: Baby Bear was surprised that he saw someone in his bed.

BABY BEAR: Someone's been sleeping in my bed, too. Mm.

READER: Just then, Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears.

GOLDILOCKS: Oh, no. It's a bear.

READER: Help, help. Goldilocks ran out of the room--

READER: --into the forest and never go to that house ever again.

End of transcript
