Video transcript
Film By the Vines 2023 - 23. Ellalong Public School - The Opinions of the Animals

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NARRATOR: What animals really think about being filmed for documentaries.

[upbeat pop music playing]

PENGUIN: I hate this. I've been trying to go to the bathroom all day. But David Attenborough and his crew have been following me, so I couldn't.

TEACHER FISH: I was teaching my class when a man in scuba gear comes diving down and starts filming the children. How rude.

TURTLE: I was just sitting on my eggs, and I looked over to see a camera crew filming me. Like, hello? I'm busy. Where's the privacy at?

SNAKE: To be honest, I don't mind being filmed as long as they get my good side. Oh, wait, all my sides are my good side.

CRAB: Since when did I say you could film me, David Attenborough? And by the way, make this interview snappy before I snap at you.

[upbeat music playing]

End of transcript