Kearsley Public School - Support Dogs

Duration: 2:35

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Transcript – Kearsley Public School - Support Dogs

[triumphant music playing]

[children sigh]

CHILD 1: Wait. I have an idea.

CHILD 2: Well, what is it?

CHILD 1: Let's persuade the principal to get us support dogs.

[upbeat rock music playing]


MRS GEORGE: Hi, girls.

CHILD 1: Can we come in?

CHILD 3: We would like to talk to you.

MRS GEORGE: Come in.

CHILD 1: MRS George, we've been thinking. Can we please get a support dog?

MRS GEORGE: Girls, I just don't think that that's going to be the right decision for our school. I'm sorry.


[upbeat rock music playing]

CHILD 4: Luckily, we won't be in the semi final on the weekend.

MRS GEORGE: Thank you. Bye.

CHILD 4: Bye.

CHILD 1: We wrote you a persuasive letter.

MRS GEORGE: Oh, wow. What about?

CHILD 1: Support dogs.

MRS GEORGE: Oh, not this again. Thanks, girls.

CHILD 1 (VOICEOVER): I am writing to you to strongly advise Kearsley Public School to get support dogs. As you know, KPS students are great at learning. There is still a problem, though. We are not all ready to learn all of the time.

MRS GEORGE: Our school needs a support dog.

NARRATOR: 24 hours later--

[upbeat music playing]

[pensive music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

MRS GEORGE: Girls, I got you something.

[children gasp]

CHILDREN: A puppy!

CHILD 5: A support dog! What's her name?

CHILD 6: What's her name?

MRS GEORGE: This is Nova, and she's our class pet.

[girls awing]

[upbeat music playing]

End of transcript
