Kearsley Public School - Underdog Rises

Duration: 2:54

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Transcript – Kearsley Public School - Underdog Rises

[xylophone scale]

[crowd cheering]

STUDENT: Broddie.

STUDENT: Pass, pass, pass, pass, pass.

STUDENT: Broddie.

STUDENT: Yes, yes, yes.

STUDENT: Broddie.

STUDENT: Get him.

STUDENT: Pass, pass, pass, pass, pass.

[crowd cheering]

STUDENT: What is that like? Fifth day, nil?

STUDENT: I know. I would just be happy with one goal. All right, I can do this. Yay! Yay! Woo!

STUDENT: Yay! You did it!

[boys cheering]

STUDENT: Never back down, never give up.

End of transcript
