Video transcript
Film By the Vines 2023 - 31. Mount View High School - Home

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NARRATOR: What is a home?

Is it a house?

[engine idling]


Is it where you live?


[camera shutter clicks]

Is it where your family lives?

[baby coos]

Or is it where you grew up?

Is it quiet?

[birds twittering

Or is it loud?

[heavy music playing]

[lock turning]

Is it where you feel safe? Or do you feel trapped?

[pen scratching]

Is it nostalgic and makes you very happy?

[dark rumble]

Or does it scare you?

[wind rumbling, crows cawing]

Is it something you like to talk about and keep? Or are you better off forgetting about it?

[jovial chatter]

Does it bring you joy or sadness?

[baby crying]

What thoughts pop up in your head when you think about it?

[restaurant chatter]

Are your feelings mixed?

[restaurant chatter]

Or you're not sure?

[restaurant chatter]

Do you know the answers to any of these questions? To get them, just ask yourself, 'What is a home?'


End of transcript