Video transcript
Hints and guidelines for public speaking competitions - Prepared speeches - 2. Matter

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In this video, we will discuss what adjudicators will be looking for in the area of matter. The best speeches usually have a strong point of view and a clear direction. All good speeches have a purpose in mind. The best speeches are balanced. This means a balance between a personal perspective and a broader worldview, between rhetorical device and cold, hard facts, and between humour and sincerity.

The speech which is entirely personal is not a successful one. And nor is a speech which is essentially an information report. A simple tip would be to begin with a personal story and then broaden out to look at an issue in the community or the country. But remember that this won't work for every speech.

Finally, good speeches are unique and striking. They should be original and catch the audience's attention by presenting them with something they haven't seen before.

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