Video transcript
How to set up an online debate - Using Google Meet and booking an online adjudicator

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[intro music]

ANTHONY DAVEY: Hi. So it doesn't look like we'll be using Zoom for our debates in 2024. So this is just a quick look at how to use Google Meet instead, though it's fine to use Microsoft Teams for your meetings in your online debates if you're more familiar with it.

So you need to log in to the staff portal. We'll click on there on the home page and head to the staff portal, should be signed in, and hopefully, in your 'essentials' you'll have this 'Google Workspace'. That's what we're looking for to set up the meeting. If that's not there, you can add it by heading to your 'essentials' so you can edit those using this link. We'll do that now to show you.

So click on 'Edit my essentials', and you want to head on the left to the 'Applications store'. If you scroll down, I think it's the third section, you go past 'My applications' and 'My training' to 'My learning tools' and the Google Workspace is the last one. So you can just add it from there. I've obviously already got it. So I'll hit that to launch it.

And over on the right here, Meet, this is the icon that you're looking for. So you can use this to set up a Google meeting, and you can keep the same Google meeting for the year. If you prefer, or if you're already signed into Chrome from any tab, you can head to this keypad over here up on the top right, and if you hit that there'll be a Meet icon, and you can use that to jump straight to the screen you're looking for.

Here it is over here. So we want to set up a new meeting. That's this button over here. So click on that, and like I say, you'll be able to use this meeting for all of your debates if you want. The link stays valid for the year. You could start a meeting right now, but we want to create a meeting for later.

So I'm going to click on that, and it's just created the meeting, and here is the meeting info we need. So you click these 2 rectangles to copy the info about the meeting, and there we go. You're done. You can close this up. And I suppose if you're booking-- if you're holding an online debate, the next thing is to book an adjudicator. So you head to the 'Speaking competitions hub'. You should have that bookmarked because that's where all the advice and all the things you'll need for the debating and public speaking competitions are.

And you can use this link called, 'Book an online adjudicator'. So we'll click on that, takes you to this Google form over here that we've just got to fill in very quickly. So you've got to tell us the age division. We'll pretend we're Years 5 and 6. Enter your email address. I'm anthony.r.davey, no need to do the rest of it, fill it in later.

We'll pretend we're from Lindfield Learning Village. So the current Years 9 and 10 champs, congrats to them, and congrats to their opposition in this fake debate, Byron Bay High School who won Years 7 and 8 in 2023.

You've got to enter the day and time, obviously. Just watch out. The month and the day can be the wrong way around because this is American. So make sure you're writing in the right order there. And it's 24-hour time. So you've got to get that right. Then, you just paste your link that you've copied into this bottom bit here and hit 'Submit'.

That's it. That information is going to come to me, and in a day, or a bit shorter, hopefully, I'll get back to you with an email. Here's my email. It'll look something like this, and you can see that link to that meeting is included in the email. So you don't even need to write it down. Let's click on that, and that will start the meeting. Here we go. So just waiting for the camera to start, and where am I?

Ah, dee, dee. There I am. So I'm going to hit 'Join now', and we're in the meeting. You can see in here, it looks an awful lot like Zoom does. Down the bottom here, you can mute yourself, you can turn your camera off. If you need to share your screen, you can do that here, and these dots here, you can do things like change the layout, or blur your background, and then over on the right here, with these other icons, these are the hosting things. So you can use this one to get those meeting details. If you-- say you need to send them to someone you forgot, you can copy them there. Same 2 squares and email them.

Here, you can look at all the people who are in the meeting and you can remove them, or you can add people. This triangle square circle thing is all the extra stuff. So you see there's breakout rooms here, or you can record the meeting here. And this last one is all of your host controls, which means you can do things like change who can get in, and who can't get in, invite people in. If anyone's struggling to make it into the meeting, you would come here to do this.

There are probably lots of better ways to learn about how to use Google Meets, but in terms of how to use them for debating this year, that's how you set up a meeting and send it through to us. So best of luck for your debates.

End of transcript