Video transcript
Lights, camera, action! – 08. How to make a hyperlapse

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[intro music]

CARMEN: Today, we're going to show you something super cool that you can do with just your phone. It's called a hyperlapse.

ZIGGY: What's a hyperlapse?

CARMEN: It's like a time lapse.

ZIGGY: Oh, so why don't they just call it a time lapse?

CARMEN: Ah, good question, Ziggy. Because a hyperlapse moves.

ZIGGY: Oh, and a time lapse, it's staying still.

CARMEN: Exactly. We'll show you how to do it.

ZIGGY: Let's go.

CARMEN: Here we are on camera, and we're just going to swipe over to time lapse.

ZIGGY: And let's go for a walk.

CARMEN: Make sure your phone's in landscape. Click the screen until you get that little yellow square. That'll lock in your subject. Then, you want to tighten in your elbows so that you've got a nice steady shot and follow them around.

[upbeat music]

Okay, Ziggy, let's take a look.

[upbeat music continues]

ZIGGY: Oh, that's so cool. We should try 360.

CARMEN: Exactly. You can have fun with it. You can try from different angles.

ZIGGY: Buildings.

CARMEN: You can shoot from different buildings. Yeah. It's all up to you.

End of transcript