Video transcript
Lights, camera, action! – 09. Winking Waiter – Illawong Public School

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[upbeat acoustic guitar music]

WAITER: Welcome to Sweet Chilli Thai Restaurant. A table for 2 tonight?

HUSBAND: Yes, please.

WAITER: Right this way. Can I start by getting you any drinks tonight?

WIFE: Just some table water would be lovely, thank you.

WAITER: Not a problem. While I get that for you, here are our menus. Tonight's specials are on the back.

[tableware clinks]

[water splashes]

Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry, sir! Let me dry you off.

HUSBAND: Get your filthy hands off me! Do you have any idea how much this suit cost? That's it, honey. Let's get out of here. We'll go next door to the Chinese restaurant.

WIFE: Hey, no. Relax, huh. He's probably new to this. You'll be dry in no time.

HUSBAND: I'll tell you what, the food better be good.

MANAGER: I assure you, sir, the food is fantastic. As a restaurant manager, I am so sincerely sorry for the mishap, and to make up for it, entrees are on the house tonight. What would you like for starters?

WIFE: Thank you. That is very kind. Umm, we'd like to get the--

HUSBAND: Spring rolls. A serve of spring rolls, and make them snappy.

MANAGER: On their way, sir.

[appliances whirring]

WAITER: Here you are, one serve of spring rolls.

HUSBAND: Hang on, there's only 5 spring rolls. There's meant to be 6 in a serve. Is this guy fair dinkum? I'm not eating those. They've probably all been up his nose at some point.

[plate crash]

MANAGER: Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. The entire meal will be on the house tonight.

HUSBAND: It better be after this ordeal. Just bring out the mains. Forget the entree. I'll have chicken pad Thai.

WIFE: And I'll take the red curry, please.

MANAGER: On their way.

[appliances whirring]



HUSBAND: Thank you. This looks delicious. Finally, something in this crazy restaurant has worked out.

WAITER: Enjoy.

CUSTOMER: I'm really sorry to interrupt, but I thought I'd let you know that I saw the waiter actually sneeze into your meal.

HUSBAND: He what? That's it. I'm outta here.

WIFE: Hey, don't leave he's just a kid. Give him a chance.

WAITER: Finally got rid of him.

[upbeat acoustic guitar music]

End of transcript