Video transcript
Lights, camera, action! – 12. The Right Choice – Oscar Cole

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[gentle piano music]

[alarm beeping]

TOM 1: [sighs]

[gentle piano music continues]

STEVE CARELL (TV): Ugh, it's ridiculous. They took my card away because I spend 80 bucks --

TOM 2: Oi!

STEVE CARELL (TV): --at a magic--

TOM 2: What are you doing?

TOM 1: 'The Office'.

TOM 2: At 10 o'clock on a Wednesday? Come on, mate. Don't be a fool. You're late for school.

TOM 1: Huh, yes, I am.

TOM 2: So what's the excuse going to be today, Tom? Got an assignment due? They stopped believing that the cat ate the homework?

TOM 1: Well, what's the point? I mean, I slept in anyway, and I'm going to be late. I don't really see any reason to go.

TOM 3: Right you are, Tom. I can't believe how smart we are.

STEVE CARELL (TV): -- with a girl he works with, who's engaged, so just cut me some slack.

TOM 1: Who even are you?

TOM 3: Well, I'm you, you're you, and I'm pretty sure he's you.

TOM 2: I don't really get it either. But oh well, we're all here now. And point is, you're not at school again. Mate, this isn't 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'. You can't just not show up any time you feel like it.

TOM 3: Cut the kid some slack. He's only at school like 12% of the time. That's enough to get him somewhere.

TOM 1: Huh, so you two are like some left brain, right brain stuff, eh?

TOM 3: I don't see how that's what you take from that, but yeah, sure.

TOM 1: Well, look, it's like 10:30. And I've already missed out on a hefty chunk of the day. Why go now?

TOM 2: Because you've got to make every day count, Tom. You've got your mates at school. Oh, and even that one girl you like. What's her name?

TOM 3: Ah, yes, I know the one. I quite like her.

TOM 1: Look, I see your point, but can't I just go tomorrow?

TOM 2: No! Didn't you hear what I just said? You have to make every day count, not every second day count.

TOM 1: But--

TOM 2: No buts. Come on. Let's go. Come on!

TOM 1: Okay, okay. I'm going. I still don't get why you're on his side with this.

TOM 3: You know, I don't care much for school either, but it's more than just tests and homework. Yes, sometimes it can feel challenging and yes, sometimes it can feel like one step forward and two steps back. But you need to push through, make every day count, and not just in school but every aspect of life. Otherwise, what was it for?

TOM 1: Huh. I just assumed he slipped you a 20 or something.

[heartwarming music]

End of transcript