Video transcript
Schools Spectacular 2023 - Sponsorship promo

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[soft orchestral music playing]

DANIEL WOODALL: It's just amazing to be part of so many people having this real feel-good experience at so many different levels. It's a real privilege.

LEANNE NIXON: And it has such a reputation and such a long history. And I think there's something really special about that.

MURAT DIZDAR: They train in their various venues all year. And it's absolutely seamless. And it's remarkable how they pull it off.

CAMERON PLAYER: To see the kids on TV, that's millions of people watch that every year.

JOHN FOREMAN: You're watching Schools Spectacular. And we have some spectacular entertainment for you now.

DANIEL WOODALL: It's always a nice feeling when you see the result of a sponsorship. We helped make something really special happen here.

JANE STOWER: We really want to give back to our teachers. And Schools Spec is just an incredible way to do that.

ELIZABETH PLAYER: Sponsors are fundamentally important to Schools Spec. They allow us to put everything on and to perform in the best show that we could be in.

JOHN IERACI: Clearly NSW's education department is doing something really right here for those kids. Telstra is proud to be involved.

BLAKE GARRETT: So glad we got on board and all the opportunity it's led to.

ANGELO GAVRIELATOS: All kids coming together, inclusive in a way that celebrates all that is public education.

CATHY PLAYER: They believe. They walk away believing they are great.

[music playing and audience cheering]

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