Video transcript
Sing in your classroom — K-6 masterclass with Donna Riles — Promo

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DONNA RILES: Hello, and welcome to the Orange Regional Conservatorium. My name's Donna Riles. And I have the privilege of serving here as the music director. So this little PL that we're working together on is about kick-starting music in your classroom. So if you're a classroom teacher from K to 6, I'd like to be able to provide you with some little help along the way to be able to have your students discover the enjoyment of making music.

And, of course, our voice is our first instrument. And what a great way to come and use our voices in the classroom. Now, we're not all trained singers. And we're not all great musicians. But we all have the ability to be able to open our voices, use our lungs, and sing. And singing is so beneficial for our health and well-being, our mental health and well-being, for socialising, for student focus, listening skills, developing so many areas of their life. And more and more, science is discovering how music ignites all sorts of passages in our brains and is very important in the development of students' understanding of literacy and numeracy in the classroom.

So if we can be giving students the enjoyment of singing and music as we do our work together from day to day, what a wonderful thing to be able to give our students and ourselves.

[music playing]

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