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Teaching dance to primary students - 3. Hip Hop with Tiana Canterbury

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TIANA CANTERBURY: Key thing with hip hop, it all comes from your knees.

So today, I am here teaching hip hop class for years five and year six. And just giving them a little bit of Tiana Canterbury flavour.

We want it to be nice and light, OK. So that's the vibe that you want--

The class that I'm teaching today is year fives and year six students. And we are going to focus on hip hop style. I'm breaking it down into grooves and moves at the beginning of the class, just to-- most of these students are more technique-based. So ballet, jazz. And just to give them an idea of the difference between that technique, which would be more structured, into something that's more relaxed and more groovy and focusing on loosening up.

And then we go into a routine base where I really focus on execution and adding the groove into the execution, which can be quite challenging.

And bending, nice and soft. I don't want you to focus on pushing your shoulders down. Just relax.

Yeah, and with my teaching, its execution and muscle memory, and getting someone enjoying the fact that they're picking up the choreography first and then breaking it down. So really getting them comfortable. Whether they do it jazzy or in an upright stance, it's just first getting someone comfortable and confident with the fact that-- OK, I'm picking up your choreography. I can hear it in the music. And once they have that confidence, they're more likely to relax and just enjoy whatever you're going to throw at them, which would be then the grooves.

So I used to teach before-- and for me, it's also a learning experience where I used to teach, first, the grooves. And then I noticed that people just found it a bit difficult and wasn't understanding where you're getting it from and how. And so I thought, look, let's work with you. Let's meet halfway. We're going to find something that-- yep, OK, you've got choreography. Now let's add in and show you how to loosen up the shoulders with the choreography.

So I like to focus and get everyone in-- play the music, and we just keep running it, keep running it. Execution. As they're dancing, I call the moves out. And it's a nice challenge too. Kids, especially kids, love that.

Good. Now if you see that you're going like that, you're shooting your knees back too much.

With my teaching approach, especially with beginners, whether its kids or adults, you have to come in there with a big energy. They look to you and they're expecting this. They want this in order for them to feel it themselves. So it's key that I come into my classes, big energy. And leave whatever-- it might be tiredness or fatigue-- outside at the door. And this is their hour and their moment to give them something to just experience.

So it's a nice experience that I feel it's my duty as a teacher and as an entertainer to give my students. So the key thing is, bring that energy. Bring it with your warm-ups. And just keep it going. And also reading your crowd too. So being able to read your students. I'd like to make sure everyone's foot's on point. So I look to the ground to see that everyone's on point.

I like to make sure that everyone is focused. You can see when someone's kind of wandered off. And that's when you switch it up. You should be able to switch it up, and call it quickly, and bring it back. But you got to keep it constant. You've got to keep it moving. You've got to keep talking like I'm doing right now.

So it's really-- I feel the teacher needs to not flatten themselves with the class that might be coming in, not knowing what's about to happen. You need to lift it up in order to bring them with you. So that's how I always approach my class. And for a teacher, I think that's what we need to start learning. It's not about us. It's about what's happening in the room. And giving them that experience.

[music playing]

Good. Good. Next group. Is this-- did you--

Oh, the kids were fabulous. For me, it's great to see them smile, especially at this age. They like to be entertained. And they like you to play the right music. So to see them all just, from start all the way to finish, having them enjoy it and seeing them on the side practicing-- as a teacher, it is fabulous. And also to work with students that might not do hip hop as much, to see them enjoying this style, it means a lot to me.

But today, they did great. They honestly did great. And it's good to see them learning new things and enjoying it.

[music playing]

Watch my hand.

To be able to do workshops with different types of teachers, different styles. It's so important. When you become older, and this is the world that you want to venture into as far as the dance entertainment industry, it's key that you are able to adapt to different styles. So the fact that they are learning this at such a young age, to be getting technique from ballet, to jazz, to Afro, to hip hop, to break dance, it's fabulous. This is really going to set them up for-- as they grow through the years and when they get to that older age to see, to say, hey, I did a bit of this. And so I think it's such a great opportunity for them.

Everyone. Hi, I'm Tiana. And today we're going to do hip hop. Have you guys done a hip hop class before?


Good, OK, awesome. So with mine, it's just-- I want you to have fun today. And I want you to execute for me. It's all about execution. So for those of you who might not understand what execution is, just big movements, massive movements. Execute your arms. Levels. That is key for me when-- if you want to become a dancer, it's a great way to educate your body to pick up movement quicker.

OK, so we're going to do a nice pace routine. And then we're going to work on grooves first. So loosening up the neck and being able to body roll and all of that. And then we're going to go straight into choreography. We're going to break it into groups, just so we can see how fabulous we all are.

And then we're going to face each other and do the choreography. And this is just great for our eyes. OK, so as far as seeing what we're doing, seeing what other people are doing, able to look up and perform and remember the routine. And people are going other directions. And you got to remember to go a certain direction. So we're going to do all of that today.

So you guys ready? All right, let's go into position. We're going to do a quick warm-up. And please ask me any questions, OK. Anything, even if it's the silliest question.

[music playing]

All right. Hi, hi, hi. All right, let's get-- moving back just a tiny bit. Good. All right. We're first going to move with jumps. Pushing off the ground. Spread your toes. And push, push, push. All right. One more. So timing, we all should be the same.

To the side, go. Good. Your right leg, with this bounce. Let's go. Bounce, bounce. Good. Swing those arms. In front. Move your hips around. Good. Bend down, down, down. Good. Stay there. One more out. Arms out. Swing, swing. Drop lower.

Legs in front. Swing those arms back. When your legs go to the front, swing back. Good. Arms out. Reach long. Good. Reach, reach. Timing, go. Down. Shoulders. Squeeze into your ears. Squeeze. Forward. Neck, forwards. One more. Forward. To the right look. And roll.

Back to the left. Now, roll to the back. Dropping your neck. OK, arms out. Let's go. Moving those knees. Bend your knees. Bend your knees. Right down. Bend your knees. To the back.

Go. OK, right slide. Behind. Right knee, go. One. Across your chest. OK, long. Bending left side. Down through your heels. Across your chest. OK. Nice and long. OK, straight.

Left side. Turning. Centre. Drop. OK, turning out. OK. Knees back. Drop your head. Slowly rolling up. Good, all right. Let's start.

All right, so we're going to work on grooves first before we start this routine. And key thing with hip hop, it all comes from your knees. Don't want our knees to go-- we want it to be nice and light. OK, so that's the vibe that you want. You don't want it to go all the way down where it's tight in your calf muscles. And you don't want it to shoot back when you're straight all the way back.

So we want to keep a nice halfway and just think of that idea. All right, so that is the idea with hip hop. So we want to work our knees the whole time. Then we're relaxing our shoulders a little bit more, to the point where you relax, and your tummy is going to go in a little bit. OK, so you're like this. Yes, good.

So I know most of us are taught in the different styles that we have to push back and open up. We want to tuck it in a little bit and be more relaxed, like so. Really lazy. And then that little crunch in your stomach. We want to focus on that when we're bending our knees.

And what happens is, when we're in this position, it loosens up our shoulders, which means it will rock here, up here. And our neck is going to get involved. As soon as you tighten this up, your neck's going to tighten up. So we want to be loose, OK. So let's focus on that.

So we're going to go to the right, to the right. And bending, nice and soft. I don't want you to focus on pushing your shoulders down. Just relax. Hit, nice and lazy. And now we going to say, yes, yes, yes. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes. Don't say yes. Nod yes. [laughs]

Yes. Hey, hey. And hey. And then we're going to say, what you say? What you say? What you say? Hey, what you say? Hey, hey, hey. Good. Good.

Now, if you see that you're going like that, you're shooting your knees back too much. So remember that. Don't push it back. And we don't want to go down too hard. So we want to just be nice and light.

One, two, three. And we're going to say, hey, hey, yes, yes. What you say? What you say? What you say? Hey, oh. What you say? Hey, hey, hey, good. You guys are looking fab.

Let's do it to some music now. And then we're going to start all the way from the back and walk it down. Let's go.

[music playing]

Ready? Go. Nice and light. Even though the music's fast, go light. And yes, and yes. Oh, oh. And what you say? Hey, hey. Now, let's take it forward. Forward and bounce. Relax those shoulders. So you should be doing this. Relax your shoulders. Relax, relax. And, yes, yes. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. In your knees.

Now, side. And back. Lean away. Then go. Forward. Hey, yes. Good, good. Back. Ready? Next bit. We go neck. Right up to your ear. Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, hit, right up, hit, hit, hit. Let's speed it up. Let's go.

Right up, right up. Keep going. You should be hitting this. This, yeah. Yeah, at the back. See this bit? Yeah. Behind your ears. Good. That's what I want. Hit it. Let's go. Hey, hey. Now groove. Bounce, bounce. Hey.

Now bring your legs in. Now drop. Now up. Keep hitting the back. Ready. Drop, drop, drop. Watch. Bend. Good. Drop your hands. Drop your hands like you got heavy bags, heavy bags. Bounce those shoulders. Ready, now. Hey, bend your knees. Bend your knees. Bend your knees. Move your-- like you're saying, what? What? What? What? Good.

Ready, right leg. Let's go. Swing. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Oh, you guys look amazing. Can we move it back to the room, quickly? All the way to the back. You guys look fabulous.

Let's go. One more time. In lines. Let's go. Quick. First line. Everyone wait until I say go. Right leg first. We go. Two, three. Bounce. Bounce and swing, swing. First line, wait-- go. Swing, swing, swing. Bounce, bounce, up, up. And use-- remember this? Good. Hit, hit, hit.

This way. Let's all go right, left, right. Good. Next line, let's go. Five, six, seven. Bounce. Go. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Good. Swing. Now swing. Swing, lean forward. Hey, hey, hey. One more. Keep going. Good, good, good. Swing more. Next group.

Five, six, seven. Swap. Good. Now swing, swing, swing. Hey, hey, good. Now, lean. Good. Now, twist. Twist like this. Yes, yes. Good, good, good. Keep going. Ready? Good. Now, twist your body. Twist, twist, twist. Good. Bring forward. Forward and bounce. Nice, good. Next group.

Yes. Ready? So I want you to do this. Like so. Let's go. Hey, good. Go. Go, swing, swing those arms. Don't be scared. Swing, swing. Like so, so. Good. More. Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. Good. Good.

Next group. Is this a-- did you do it already? You did it already? Keep going, guys. Twist. Look, look. Good. All right. Watch. Hit your shoulder. Hit. Watch my hand. Big, big, big. Push. Move your shoulders. Come, come. Everyone come. Round, push.

Good. Good job, guys. Amazing. Can we all come to the front? All right, let's go to the front. Let's try-- feels. Let's try this.

[music playing]

All right. From here, bending your knees like you're bouncing. This. Crunch, crunch, up, up, up. Push it right up, outside. Push it outside. Bend, crunch, crunch, crunch. Big chest. Let's go. Up. Add a roll.

Chest, chest. Other side. Let's go. Out the door. Out the door. Out the door. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. Ready, roll. Chest, chest, chest, chest, chest. From here. Bend your knees. Lean back. Move back. Move back. Move back. Move back. Hey. To the front. Bounce, bounce, bounce. Don't tighten it. Bounce Move it back. Let's go. Lean back. Drop down. Move in front. And back. Let's go. Hey.

Good. Keep going. Bounce, bounce. Drop down. Yes, yes. Ready, chest. Big chest. Let's go. Let's roll. Big rolls. Hey. Big rolls. Go.

Good. All right. Let's go straight into routine. So grab a quick drink and then come back to the Centre. All right, let's go. So if we can move it back just a little bit, I'm going to swap lines later. So back people, you're going to come to the front.

So remember, execution is key, so nice and big levels. So I want us all to follow the same level. OK? So we step with our left. Bong. So remember that crunch. OK? Crunch.

So we're going to crunch, crunch, boom. Big crunch. So we have to crunch in order to get this pop. Ready? Five, six, seven, and boom, boom, cah. One more. Five, six, seven, and ta, ta, ta.

Now, I want you to step, step. So crunch, crunch, pop. Five, six, seven, go. Boom, boom, ca. From your left leg, step in boom, ta. Five, six, seven, and ta, ta, ta, step, and ta. Again, and you bring it back. Five, six, seven, and crunch, crunch, pop, step, and pop.

Five, six, seven, low, ha, ha, pop, boom, boom, pop. And we're going to be down and push back. One more. Five, six, seven, slow, hit, hit, pop, step in pop.

Good. Can I come into the middle here so you guys can see? Ready? Five, six, seven, left leg, right hand. Five, six, seven, and hit, hit, pop, step in pop. Good.

Five, six, bigger, let's go. Five, six, seven, go ta, ta, pop, ta, ta, pop. Speed it up. Let's go. Five, six, seven, go, ta, ta, pop, ta, ta, pop. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Ha, ha, ha, ta, ta, ta.

Good. Can we try with a bit of music? We'll try it with a medium speed track. And then we're going to speed it up. All right, let's go.

So just medium sized. Ready? Five, six, seven, go. Ta, ta. Too fast. Let's go slower. Let's go a little bit slower. Let's start slow. First one, five, six, seven, go, one, two, pop, step and pop. Again, one more. Bigger. Five, six, slow. Good. Speed it up. So we'll go.

Ready? Five, six, seven, go. Tap, tap, five, six, seven, go. Five, six, seven, go. Low, six, seven, go. Five, six, bigger. Good.

From here, three, one, two, three. Boom. Boom. Five, six, seven, let's go. Five, six, seven, and drop down and look, six, seven. One more. Five, six, seven, and speed it up. Five, six, seven. Again. Five, six, three, go. Bigger. Five, six, seven, and.

One more. Five, six, seven, go. Again. Five, six, seven. From the top. Five, six, speed it up. Let's go. One more. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Good. One more. Five. Ready? Five, six, seven, go.

One more. Let's go. This goes, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta, ta. Ready? Five, six, seven, go. Again. Five, six, five, six, seven and. Good. One more. Five, six, five, six, seven. Good.

So it's like you're brushing your hair backwards. Watch my foot. Good. Good. One more. Let's go. Five, six, foot goes out. Out. Out. Out. Lower. Good. From here, slow. It goes.

Good. Only two. Only two. Five, six, seven, and one, two, drop, go, go. One more. Only two. Five, six, seven. One, two, drop. One, one. Good. From the top slow. Five, six, slow. One. Two.

Good. One more. Slow. Let's go. Five, and make it big. Five, six, seven. Low. Speed it up. Let's go. Five, six, seven and. Hey. One more time. Bigger. Five, six, seven and.

One more. Let's go. Bigger. Bigger. Five, six, go. Good. Swap lines. Let's go. Everyone at the back, forward. Good. Ready? Five, speed it up. Five, six, five, six, seven.

One more. Bigger. Five, six, seven. Good. Now. Five, six, from the top, five, six. Last one. Five, six, seven, go. Yeah. Looking good.

All right. One more move, and then we're going to have a quick drink. From here, this way, that way. Someone's pulled your hair. This. Start with this. Go. Ah, ah, ah. Chest. Chest. Chest. Chest. Chest.

One more. This way. Five, six, seven. Slow. Slow. Speed it up. Let's go. One more. Chest. Five, six, seven. Boom. Boom. Only two. Boom. Boom.

From the top. Slow. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Hey. Two. One, two. One, two.

Good. Let's speed it up. Ready? Five, big energy, five, six, seven. Hey. Five, six, seven, go. One more. Five, six, seven. Good. Last move. Five, six, seven. Five, six, seven. Look. Five, six, seven.

Everyone, like. Not this. Five, six, five, six, seven. And move. Move it. Move it. Five, six, five, six, seven. One more time. Speed it up. Five, six, seven, go. One more. Five, six, seven. Again. Five, six, seven, go. Ha, ha, ha, good.

From the top. We'll have a drink after this. Ready? Five, six, slow. Nae nae. Twist. One more slow. Five, six, seven. Boom. Nae nae. Twist.

Let's speed it up. Ready? Five, six, seven. Five, six, seven, go. Boom, boom, boom. Straight away. Straight away. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Good.

OK. Have a quick drink. Let's have it. You guys worked so hard. So, so hard. We've still got a little bit more to learn. After this, we're going to go to a faster song. That was good. You did well.

All right. Have your drink. I'll play the music while you guys are having your drink. But, remember, straight after this.

All right. From the top. Five, six, Five, six, seven, go. Good. One more. Five, six, five, six, seven and. Hey. Good. One more. Last one. Five, six, seven. Awesome.

Next bit. Ready? Go. One, two, big. One, two. One. This. Yes, yes. Bend down. Boom, boom, boom, boom.

So legs, watch. Kick, left leg. Kick and back with your right. So kick and back. Five, six, seven, and kick, step back. Five, six, seven, go. Kick, step back. Five, six, seven. Speed it up. Five, six, seven, go.

One more. Five, six, seven and. Now, show me your Nike, your shoe. You go. Kick and show. Kick and show. Kick and show. Good. Kick and show.

Now move away. Hey. Kick away. Kick away. Turn your head away. Go. Kick away. One more time. Keep away. All right, guys.

All right. Let's go from here. Kick away. OK? So we want to go kick, lean away from it, and show me your Nike shoe. Good. Five, six, seven, and kick away.

Now, when we do this, when you twist, go on the balls of your feet, so closer to your toes. Don't go flat footed. You're going to hurt your knee. So I want you to twist here like so. On this, watch me, watch me all of you, watch your feet, this, not this. Don't twist like that. You want to go on the balls of your feet, so spread your toes.

So this is your toes. That's your feet. You want to be like that and twist, not like this. OK? So we going to go kick and on the balls of your feet, twist. Five, six, seven, and kick and twist. Five, six, seven, go, kick and twist.

Now, I want you to move away from it. So I don't want you to just turn. I want you to move away. So you got to lean back a little bit. Good. Five, six, seven, and kick and twist. Five, six, seven, go, kick and twist.

Good. Six, seven, go, kick and twist. Legs, five, six, seven, drop lower. Hey. Five, six, seven, go, ha, ha, ha. Five, six, stronger, kick and twist. Five, six, seven, go kick and twist. Five, six, seven, and kick and ha.

But I still want you to look at yourself. Don't do that. Five, six, seven, go, kick look at yourself. Five, six, seven, go kick and ha. Drop it lower. Ta, ta, ta. Five, six, seven, go, ta, ta, ta.

So from here, we went, this is called the milli voom. Ta, kick, and ha. Five, six, seven, and boom, drop, ta, ta, ha. Five, six, seven, go, boom and drop, kick and twist.

So watch guys, kick and push that right leg back. Yeah. Five, six, seven, and hey, hey, hey, hey. Five. One more time. Five, six, seven, and hey, hey, hey, hey. Five, six, seven, and one, two, kick and ha.

So kick and ha. Let's go. Can we just swap lines for two seconds just so the back people can see it, and then we'll go back straight away back. Again, quickly, five, six, seven, and step, bend. So again, step together, kick and ha. And show me your shoes. Yep.

Five, six, seven, and step together, kick, and hey. Five, six, seven, go, step together, kick and away. Five, six, seven, go, step together, kick and away. Five, six, seven, and step together, ha, ta, ta, ta.

Five, six, seven, and boom, ta, boom, pop, pop. Stronger. Six, and timing, and one, two, three, and four, five, six, seven, lean back. One, two, ta, ta, ta.

Good. From the top. Five, six, seven, and one, two, ha. Boom, ta, ha. Pop, pop, two. Roll, roll, nae nae, one, twist, ta, ta, ta, boom, boom, boom, ta, ta, ta. One more. Five, six, seven, and one and two, three and four, five, and drop, and roll, nae nae. One, twist, pop, milli, one, two, ta, ta, ha.

Awesome. A little bit faster. Five, six, seven, go, ta, ta, hey, ta, ta, hey, pop, pop, go, roll, nae nae, one, twist, ha, ha, milli, hit, ta, pop, pop, ha.

Good. Swap lines again quickly. Let's go a bit faster now. Five, six, seven, and ta, ta, hey, ta, ta, hey, pop, pop, drop, go, go, nae nae, rock it over, milli, kick, pop, pop, hey.

Again. Five, six, seven, go, ta, ta, hey, ta, ta, hey, pop, pop, and roll, roll, hit, hit, twist, and look, boom, ta, ca, ca, ha. Good job. Let's try it with some music.

[music playing]

Ready? We're going to go straight to speed. We're not going to slow it down now. Five. So big energy, low, ready? Five, six. Speed it up. Let's go. Good. One more.

Five, six, five, six, seven. Yeah. One more time. Last one. Bigger. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Go. Ha, ha ha. Good.

Next bit. Watch. Let's do this. Drop your shoulders. I want you to flick at the door. Now bend. Out, out, flick it out. Out, out, out. Bend your knees. Your hips should be going with it. Push. This hand. Hey. Bigger. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Good. Two of those. We go. Two, one, next move. One, two, this one, duck under. But this has to open. Squat and duck.

Five, duck, boom, ta. Go. Duck, boom. Five, six, seven, duck, boom. Push. Ready? Five, six, seven. Duck, boom. Five, six, seven. Faster. Let's go. One more. Five, six, seven, go.

From this. Five, six, two, five, out the door. Let's go. Good. One more. Five. Going to stop. OK. Let's go back to that one. Let's go.

From here. Stomp lower. Ready? Low. Six, go. Five, six, low, go. Five, six, seven, go. From the top, slow. Slow. Five, six, seven. Kick.

Can we speed it up? Two. Yeah, so we're going to go, one, two, and then drop. Ready? Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey.

Hey. One more. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Good. Swap lines quickly. And then we're going to go in groups.

[music playing]

Ready. Let's go. Five, six, five, six, seven. One more slide. Let's go slow. Five, six, seven, slow. Pop. Pop. And faster, let's go. Five, six, seven, and-- Kick. Yeah. Good job. All right.

Let's go in groups. So, I don't know what we are. But, let's go four groups. OK. Can I go you guys? Can I switch you this side? Yeah, that looks more-- can you go on that side? Yeah. Awesome. Can I maybe-- can you go on this side for a second? Good.

All right. Four groups. Great. So let's go Group one, two, three, four. Now when we do it slow, we tend to go, oh my gosh, it's really slow. Oh, geez, it's too long. That point you should be going, boom, boom, ha. Boom, boom, ha. So it should be pictures, OK?

You can't just go, oh, it's like-- it's like. So we want to go pictures. We want to execute, so extend. Wha- Picture. Picture. Boom. Is it that there? No. Na, na, na, na, boom, boom, ha. Boom, boom, ha. Boom, boom, ha. Boom, boom, boom, ha. So use that moment to create pictures.

And what happens is, you're locking it into your muscle memory. But if you do it slow and you're going, I know what's coming next. It's not going to remember anything for you when the music speeds up. So make sure, lock it in. Tah, tah, picture. Tah, tah, picture. Still go bigger, even though it's slow.

Another thing, when the music's playing-- so I have kids that I teach hip hop classes, then they are not allowed to stand there and look at me. You're not allowed to have your hands like this. You have to loosen up. As soon as the music plays, I don't care what you do, but don't stand there, and then go, tah, tah, tah. You have to move. Even if you have to focus on bending that knee, even if you tap, even if you say yes, but you have to move.

Your body's getting the rhythm, the timing of the music. But don't ever stand in class, and wait for your routine to happen. OK. So when we-- when the music plays, I want you to do something. I don't care what you do, you can ballet, jazz, whatever, just as long as we're moving to the music. All right. Let's go Group one.

So group one, we're going to do it slow. And I want to see those pictures, and that level, and the execution. OK? And then what do we do when the music starts, groove, dance, whatever. All right. Let's go.

[music playing]

Ready, girls. and smile. So just anything. I don't care. You can click. Hey, we're going to do it slow. And relax, relax, relax. That's fine. You're dancing. It's music. Ready, slow and pictures. Let's go.

Strong arms.

All right. Speed it up. Let's go. Five, six, big, go. Hey, good job. Let's go Group two. Ready, Group two? Slow, five, six, seven. Na na. Pictures. Strong. Down. Good. Let's speed it up. Big. Ready, moving. Five, six, seven. Yeah, good job.

Group three. Let's go, Group three. Spread it out. Same thing. Moving, pictures first. And then we're going to execute with speed. Let's get. Ah, nice. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Good. Ready, big pictures. Five, six, five, six, slow. Clean. Good, let's speed it up. Big energy. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, good job.

Group four. Ready, Group four? Spread it around. Ready? Let's go slow. Five. Pictures. Ready. Dancing. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Good. Pictures. Clean. Hey, let's speed it up, come on, moving. Five, six, seven, go. Good.

Group one, let's go, Group one. Group one, let's go over this way. Spread it out. Speed it up. Straight away. Ready. What are we doing? Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Good. Group two, let's go, Group two. Come, come. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Good.

Group three, let's go, Group three. Good. Nice and big. Hey, I like that. Straight away, I like that. Ready, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Group four, let's go, Group four. Ready. Good. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, good job.

OK. So can I get a Group one and two up, exactly how you are, stop, facing that way. Group two and three up, just here, bit of space here. OK, moving back just a little bit more. Yep. Perfect. Actually, can you guys move back just a little bit, so you can use? Great. OK.

So can we actually get-- can we get a second line happening? So this is the second line. So can one of you pop back? And then you're going to swap. Awesome. Awesome. So you come forward. You stay forward. Yeah. Great. Can I get you to pop back there? Great.

What do we have here? Can I see just two lines? So we need one, maybe forward. Yeah. Great. Spread out a little bit more. Good. You guys are going to swap again. So if you can come forward. And then, can you come forward? Yeah. Good. All right.

We're going to do the routine facing each other. Big energy executions, but we're not going to look down. So I don't care if you blur the people out in front of you. I don't care if you look past them. I don't care if you look up. You can look at the black wall. You can look at them. You don't even have to look at them at all. Key thing is we're not looking down. OK. We're going to try as much as possible.

Then this second round, we're going to bring them into focus. So, again, you don't have to look. You can, if you want to, if you know the person, kind of like eye them out, like, hey. Or, you don't even have to look at them. I want you to focus on something like their top, or just-- I want you to see the colours. I don't want you to blur them out. So I want-- I want you to come into focus in the room. Again, we don't want to look down.

OK. So this is now where we're going to challenge the brain with knowing the routine execution, and having people in front of us. Are we ready to try it? OK. Nice and big. So, again, keeping, do not look down on the ground. And then what do we do at the beginning? All right.

[music playing]

Good. again, we're not looking down. I don't care if you look past them. If you're ready to bring them into focus, do it. Ready. Big energy. We're speeding it up. Let's go. Five, six, seven, go. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey, hey. Ah, ah, ta, ta, ta. Looks all right. Good.

So if you messed up, that is good. It's actually, it's really, really good. Trust me. It's great. Don't feel bad. That's all you going to do. You're going to go-- they're doing it that way, and I'm going to do it-- ahhh. So we're going to go again one more time. And it will adjust. OK. But key thing, again, don't look down. All right.

Because we always going to rely on the floor when we learn choreography. So even if you mess up, mess up looking up. It doesn't matter. Just keep going. It will get better, but do not look down. We don't look up. All right. Let's try one more time. Again, what are we doing at the beginning?

GROUP: Moving.


[music playing]

Hey, hey, hey, hey. So if you mess up, mess up good. And look forward. Oh, oh, oh, I know that move. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, hey, hey, ta, ta ta. [inaudible] kick. Shake. Drop down. Good. One more time. Now bring them into focus.

Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, hey, ah, ah, ta ta ta, bah bah bah, hey, hey. Good. One more. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, hey. Good. [inaudible] kick, shake. Good.

Swap sides. Swap, swap, swap. So the people that were at the back, come to the front. People that were at the back, come to the front. So swap. Ready. Just-- someone-- there. Can you come forward? Good. Good.

Ready. Let's go. Big movements. Ready. Looking up. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, hey, look up. Hey, hey. It's all right. It's all right. Ah, ah. One more, one more. Again, let's go. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey, one more. Big energy. Now bring focus. Focus, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Hey.

Last one. Five, six, bigger. Five, six, seven, go. Looking up, look forward. All right. That's good. OK.

So, key thing, always look out. OK. And use the mirrors. You should get comfortable with enjoying your own movement. I'm a big fan of mirrors. I know sometimes it's good to learn things without mirrors. But, for me, there's a reason for this. You have to, as a performer, if you want to become a dancer, you have to love what you do in order for someone to like what you're doing. OK.

So if you don't know what you're doing, if you don't know what's happening with your movements, then the audience is kind of going to be like, oh, OK, she's dancing. But we want to be great entertainers when we dance. We don't just want to do steps. You want to entertain people when you dance.

So use your mirrors. Look at yourself. Don't look away from yourself. I know you have to watch your choreographer. But once you get the routine, it's key that you look up. You can see your movement. You can blur your movement for a second. But then I want you to start looking at yourself, and look at the muscles in your arms. Look at what it's doing.

Look at your chest. OK. I want my chest to be out here. So if I keep pushing out here, my chest will get big. Your body is so amazing. And now that you guys are younger, you can do so much better.

But you have to push, and focus, and see what you're using. I'm squeezing my muscle. When I do my head, my head, my elbows-- my elbows-- my shoulders come all the way up. So you have to use the mirror, and enjoy your movement. Don't be afraid of this. All right.

Let's go, Group one, facing front, facing the mirror, and looking at yourself dancing, and making sure that you're doing the same energy as the person next to you. So if they're weak, you're going to go bigger. All right. Let's go, Group one. Good, good. We're dancing. Good. And enjoy that. Look at your movement. Ready, five, six, seven, go.

Hey, hey, hey, tap, tap. One more, one more. Let's go. Five, six, five, six, big, and hey, good, ah ah ah, hey, hey, tap, tap, tap, boom, boom, kick and back, shake, shake, nice.

Group two. Let's go, Group two. Good work, Group one. Come forward. Forward. You have to come forward to see this. Ready. What are you doing? Good. We're moving. Good, good, good. Ready, five, big, five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, ah, ah, tap, tap, tap, go, two. Hey, hey. One more. Let's go. Bigger, bigger. Ready. Big energy. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey. Good.

Group three. Let's go, Group three. Ready. Big energy. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, ah, ah. Good. One more. Bigger. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Good. Good.

Group four. Let's go, Group four. Let's go, Group four. Spread it over a little bit. Ready, what are we doing? That's what I like. Good. Moving. Even if you bounce. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey, hey, hey, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Good. One more. Five, six, five, six, seven, and. Tap, tap, tap, shake, shake. Good. Good. Good.

All right. Let's get all the groups up. What group are you two in?

SPEAKER 1: I'm in two.

TIANA CANTERBURY: High five. High five for doing it constantly. I like that. That's really, really good. All right. Let's get Group one, two, three, and four up. Everyone spread it out. Let's try it to another song.

[music playing]

So, good. Remember, I was saying the rhythm and the timing. If you start dancing when the song happens, I shouldn't go through it. So you should know this speed. Yes. Ready. five-- so we should be grooving-- five, six, seven, go. Hey. Hey. Good.

Let's try another song. It's going to be fast. It's going to be like extra fast. Let's see if we can do it. Five-- fast, five, six, five, six, seven, go. One, two, three, four. I'll do it with you. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, oh, my gosh.

Slow. Good. All right. Let's try it to this one. Let's do the chorus. Good. Ready. Looking up. Big energy. Five, six, seven, go. Hey. Good.

Let's try this song. Ready. Let's go. Five, six, five, six, seven, go. Hey. Good. All right. Let's go. Last two times. Nice and big. Big, big, big. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey. Yeah.

One more. Five, six, seven, go. Hey. Good. All right. Listen. What about Rolex?

[music playing]

TIANA CANTERBURY: Good. What about-- It's really slow-- last one. Ready. Five, six, five, six, seven, and. All right. Let's go. All right. Ready. Five, six, seven, go. Hey. Yeah. Good job. All right.

Last one. Last one, last one, I promise, last one. Five, six, seven, go. Hey, hey. Tap, tap, tap. Good. Same thing. Let's go. Everyone. Bounce, knees, remember at the beginning, bounce. Say yes. Yes, yes.

And neck, neck. Punch. Atta roll. Big. Bend those knees. Good, good. In front, in front, in front. Good. Good. Good. Good. Bend your knees. Now bounce. Good one, guys. Thank you so much.

You're all amazing. So what do we have to remember?

SPEAKER 2: Bending our knees.

TIANA CANTERBURY: Bending your knees. Yes. And what else? Yes.

SPEAKER 3: Don't look down.

TIANA CANTERBURY: Don't look down. Love it.

SPEAKER 4: Get low.

TIANA CANTERBURY: Get low. Love that. Always do that.

SPEAKER 5: Execution.


SPEAKER 6: Move before--

TIANA CANTERBURY: Yes. Yes. Perfect. Yes.

SPEAKER 2: And look up.

TIANA CANTERBURY: Look up all the time. And then, also, key things. Homework. Chest body rolls-- you got to loosen up this-- especially when you do hip hop. Make sure you relax your shoulders, loosen up the chest area. You want to also loosen up your neck, because that's where the groove comes from. OK. So if you ever want to get groove, just say yes, yes, yes, yes, bend your knees, and say yes, hey, yes. Good job, guys. Thank you.

End of transcript