Video transcript
@The Arts Unit Art Bites – Contemporary choreography – 02. Second section

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[music playing]

LEXY PANETTA: Hi, guys. Welcome to video part two. I thought we might start off by just doing a run. But make sure before you've watch this video, also just a reminder, I'm sure you're all ahead of it, but just make sure you've done a warm-up video before you've done this just because we'll be using our legs a little bit more today. So we'll be doing some extensions, so make sure your hips are extra warm and you've done some good stretching.

Naturally, we do start at the beginning of the track. So if you start feeling more confident to do it without my video on in the background, you can start it from the beginning of the track and wait the first eight counts. And then that's the right timing. So how about we start off by doing that together first. Hopefully, you guys can hear my music OK.

[music - Bon Iver, 'Climb']

LEXY PANETTA: Here's the first eight. 5, 6, 7, 8.

BON IVER: (SINGING) Climb is all we know. When thaw is not below us. No, can't grow up in that iron ground. Claire, all too soon for sound.

LEXY PANETTA: Right. So if you like, you can play that through a few more times and get the hang of it if you want to kind of go back to the beginning of the video to there if you're feeling like you're struggling with timing. But I don't think any of you guys are. It's all looking really beautiful. I hope you guys had a chance to practise some of that core exercise that I was discussing just to kind of really allow the upper chest to isolate from the rest of the body. So we'll have a quick second to talk about that.

When we're here, we reverse this hand in. Think about giving your body the sponge feeling here so that it can really ooze into the shape. And then as you extend the leg, try just having it low for now because then you can really work on the upper body and the shoulder. So try and make sure you're lifting up from the sternum. And just like those exercises I was telling you guys to do with your abs, hopefully, that helps you get the strength for it.

Anyway, we're going to move on. Feel free to watch that a few times if you're not ready to move on. But it's there. It's on solid film, so you can play with that a bit.

We've ended up here. We've done our side up. We undulate the arms through. We come forward. We lift over the top of the body and we lay down in the lunge. Excellent.

From here, we're going to take our left hand, and just like what we've been doing, we're repeating this motif of this action of this kind of drifting hand. You can do it in any direction that you like. 1, 2, 3, 4, bringing your left arm, left leg, 5, 6. Stand up, 7, 8. Beautiful.

From here, we're going to swing, and you kind of use a bit of a plié in your knees to swing them. Right arm up. Left arm up too. We're going to do a circle 3, 4. So 1, 2, 3, 4. We repeat the second circle with the arm, but this time we're going to take a step out with the right leg.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Good. So we're just opening up from the circle here. We're just doing the same circle with the arms. It's like a small developpé. And then we cross the arms through when we lunge into the front diagonal with the right knee. Great.

From here, we're going to swim our hands through. So it's like we're kind of exploring the parameters around us. And they're not very big. So we're going to bring them through. We're going to bring the left knee in. As we do this, we're going to scoot the left hands.

And with a flexed foot, do a developpé out towards the front diagonal with the left leg, so wait here. We swim the hands through. And the foot is flexed because we're trying to kind of establish like we're in a confined space. 1, 2, 3, 4. We're going to bring it in, 5, 6. Right arm goes 7. Left arm, 8. Great.

We'll go from the lunge to the floor. We're here and down. We go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 4, 2, 3, 4. Great.

From here-- I'm sorry. I need a bit more space, so you can see my body. Maybe I'll just quickly go over that one more time. So once we've come up, just from here, just these swimming arms. They come through that way. In 2, 3, 4.

From here, we're going to take this left arm. We're going to push the right arm away and do a little circle, 5, 6. And then the right arm's going to come through, 7, 8. So it's like our hands against a wall in front of us. Excellent.

So we'll go just from the lunge to the floor. 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Swing, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And as you guys know, it's a lot slower with the music and a bit more smooth.

From here, we've got our hand pressing out in front of us. We're going to take a seed and sprout it out of the ground. We're going to bring our left hand through here. And it's going to repeat our beautiful undulation. You can let your body tilt to the side if that feels natural to you. Otherwise, you can just extend it that way.

We're going to go 1, 2, 3, 4. Left hand's going to hit the right hand, 5, 6. So we're repeating our beginning phrase, so I'll step back a bit. We're here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

As we do this, on 6, we're going to lunge forward. And then we're going to take the hand down and back up. We're going to bring the left leg to the corner. Great. So we're here. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 to the back corner where you're going to step together, 2, 2, meaning our left to our right. 2, 2, 3, 4.

We're going to pull, repeating our beginning shape. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We're then going to bring it back, keep going up. We're repeating 3, 2, 3, 4, so it's like we're tucking our hands in our pockets, 3, 4. Then we're going to walk around ourselves, 5, 6, 7, together, 8. Wonderful. Why don't we try that much with the music.

We're going to come to the floor.

[music - Bon Iver, 'Climb']

BON IVER: (SINGING) Scraped across the foam. Like they stole it. And oh, how they hold it. Claire, we nearly forfeit.

LEXY PANETTA: Great. I think it might be time to try the beginning and that section all together. So let's give it a go. Feel free to pause and have a little workout of what you like. Here we go.

[music - Bon Iver, 'Climb']

LEXY PANETTA: 5, 6, 7, 8. Here we go.

BON IVER: (SINGING) Climb is all we know. When thaw is not below us. No, can't grow up in that iron ground. Claire, all too sore for sounds. Bet is hardly shown.

LEXY PANETTA: Open through.


LEXY PANETTA: In, up. Around, through. Open.

BON IVER: (SINGING) Across the foam. Like they stole it. And oh, how they hold it.

LEXY PANETTA: Wonderful. That's excellent, guys. I think we've got a little bit of time to learn a little bit more. And you'll be happy to know that it's a bit of a repetition. So I'm trying to work with this motif of this folding that we were discussing. And I'm trying to add it to other parts of my body now.

So once we've come around here, we've done our beautiful horizon. We plant down. We put it in our pockets. And then we walk around to the front. We're going to repeat the arms, so they go the exact same way. But we're facing the front.

But as we do it, I want us to imagine that there's a string attached to our pinky and our knee. It feels like I've got this same relationship. We're going to open up to the side. 1, 2, 3, 4, so the first one, we turn from parallel to turn out. And we open up up into a fourth position. The second arm follows. And then we just bring the knee.

So we don't actually move the foot. We just kind of reference it, 3, 4. As we do the flip, we're just going to add our body. So it's like we've got this string to the hands to the neck, 3, 4. Up, 5, 6. As we bring our hands up, we're going to just bring our knee in. Excellent. So let's go from here.


We bring it in. We walk around. We open up, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And for this opening bit, I don't know if you guys can see my feet. I want us to open forward.

And it's like we're going to tombe. So as we open up through the body, it's almost like a ripple through the body happens. We go through demi-pointe up onto our tippy toes. We use our arms. We step forward on the right knee. And we kind of just catch ourselves.

And then what we're going to do is going to come together, jump. So it's almost like a little shunt. So we've gone--


Jump, jump. So it's like we're going down some kind of staircase.

Jump, jump, then we're going to literally jump to the side and then bob down. Great. Let's try that with the music from the top. No, we won't go from the top. We'll go from just maybe to the lunge to the floor, just today's part.

BON IVER: (SINGING) Claire, we nearly forfeit. I'm growing like the quickening hues. I'm telling darkness from lines on you. Over havens foreign and fully swollen morass, young habitat.

LEXY PANETTA: Great. I hope you guys went okay with those little jumps. They don't have to be like full jumps where you really go through the feet. They're just very soft, so you keep the knees relaxed. It's like when you do jumps from the floor, you don't quite fully go up through your feet. So you're still using your whole foot. But imagine like you're on a trampoline. So it's just a small jump.

And you can add little kind of moments of suspense in them. So it's almost like you're letting your weight shift through a little bit. How about we go from the top. And I think that's it. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We go up.

[music - Bon Iver, 'Climb']

BON IVER: (SINGING) Climb is all we know. When thaw is not below us. No, can't grow up in that iron ground. Claire, all too sore for sound.

Bet is hardly shown, scraped across the foam. Like they stole it. And oh, how they hold it.

LEXY PANETTA: Jump, jump, jump, down. Great. Excellent work, guys. I cannot wait to see how you go with this next section. Please be careful with the fact that it moves a little bit more.

We're still kind of orbiting around the centre. So make sure you're really sticking to your spatial awareness. And make sure that you're not going to be bumping into anybody. Can't wait to see you again soon. Thanks, guys.

End of transcript