Video transcript
@The Arts Unit Art Bites – Contemporary dance training – 02. Contemporary choreography

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PETE EVANS: Hi, guys. How are you doing? Hope you're well. My name is Pete Evans' and I want to welcome you back to the second instalment of Dance Bites, facilitated by the Arts Unit and the Department of Education.

So this one is a little bit different from my last one. We're actually going to be doing a contemporary today to the song 'Friction' by Imagine Dragons. I do want to say, please make sure that you're in a safe, quite large space where there's no furniture or anything that you can hit because this one does travel a little bit, yeah? So let's get started.

All right, guys, to start, so we're starting in a neutral position, parallel, yes? We're waiting the one, two, three, four. On the five, six, seven, eight, my right arm is just going to reach up and around as far back as you can. At the same time, I'm going to round my right leg around across my body. That's going to come all the way around into a really low wide fourth position. Cool?

So that's on the five, six, seven, eight. So we're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. Once we're finishing there, my left hand is hitting this kind of angular shape sitting on the left knee. At the same time, my head is just looking down at the left heel. Cool? So that's our finishing position on the eight.

So we're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. My head's coming up on one to look directly along the arm to then look to the front on two. Yeah? So this is one, two, on the and a, my right arm is bending up into an angular sort of right angle, to then feed through that arm. Yeah?

So we're here. We're going one, two, and a, on the three, four, my elbows are glueing together. I'm going to wrap around to end with my right arm straight and my left arm across my body. Yeah?

At the same time, that's going to bring your legs together into a fifth position with the left leg in front. Cool? So we're here. Let's start from the top. So we go, waiting one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. This is one, two, and a three, four. On the and, my head's just going to snap to the front. Yeah? Nice and sharp. And we're really stable in this position. Cool?

All right, let's do that facing the back once. So we're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. This is one, two, and a, three, four, and. Cool.

From there, so we're hitting the and. I'm pulling my right up through that gap and out nice and long. And I'm really thinking about as much breath there as possible pulling long. I'm then going in opposition using counterbalance to then lower through plie, leaning back away from the leg, landing on the left knee to then swipe the right arm and the right leg forward in front of my body. Yes?

So we're here. We're pulling back. Yes, head as far away from the direction you're going as possible, to then swipe this up nice and long. I'm then going to send both my right arm and right leg around in a circle. Yeah? That's going to turn me on my left knee to end in a lunge with the right knee up. Cool?

So from the top, let's join all that together. So we're going. We're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. This is one, two, and a three, four, and five, six, and seven, stop eight.

We're coming up. One, two. So it's like someone's got a piece of string attached to my shoulder blades in the centre, and it's pulling up. Yeah? So I'm leading with that. One, two, my left hand is coming to my chest. My right hand is coming to underneath my chin. Yes?

So I'm coming up one, two, and a, on the three, four, I'm thinking of tracing my chin along my arm for as long as possible. And that right arm is going to extend out to the side. Yes? So you're kind of giving yourself a double chin the whole way around. Yes?

The left hand is just staying here at the same time. And a, I'm stepping the left foot out on three, four. And I'm kind of aiming for my front right corner here, three, four. On the five, six, my wrist is breaking on the right arm on the five. I'm then going to switch. Break the wrist and the elbow on the six. Yes?

So we're down in a lunge. We're coming up one, two, and a three, four. This is five. This is six. I'm throwing the right arm back, kind of like the start. I'm re-stepping forward on the left foot. My left arm is staying still.

I'm then going to lead with the head and drag the right foot around to drop on the one in a really nice deep second position. Cool? So let's join that on from the lunge.

So we're coming up. One, two, and a three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight, one. Good. Awesome, guys.

All right. Let's try it once facing the back. And then let's do all of that with music. So we're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. This is one, two, and a three, four, and five, six. Round seven, stop, eight. This is one, two, and a three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Drop one. Great. Awesome, guys.

All right. Let's try it with music. Here we go.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance.

All right, guys. Good job. So let's continue on from there. So we've landed on the one. Yes? Make sure that our legs are wrapping, and we're turned out, one. We're coming up on the two. Yes? I'm staying turned out. And my hands are just kind of relaxed in front of me.

It's the same timing as one, two, and a from the start. So we're coming up one, two. I'm bending my right arm here. That's then going to push through and bend the left arm. It's going to trace around through. Yeah?

So this is coming up one, two, and a three. I'm stepping the left foot forward exactly like I did before to then turn around four to land in a neutral parallel position to the front. Yes? So this is one, two, and a three, round four. I'm just knocking my head to the left, five.

There's quite an obvious bass for that point in the music, so we're hitting five. It's like someone's pushed my right shoulder backwards, six, and then stepping right, left. Yes? So let's get back from the top with counts.

So we're dropping one, two, and a three, round four. This is five, six, and a. On the seven, eight, I'm lassoing my right arm around anti-clockwise above my head. At the same time, I'm picking up the right knee, which is going to just do a little lick around back to the front. Yes? So this is on the seven.

As I land that, I'm going to continue my circle around with my head. The right arm is coming up to kind of frame my face. Yes? On the left side palm to face. At the same time, my left arm is hugging into my chest. Yes?

So this goes seven, round eight. And you're stopping to face the front in a neutral position. Yes? Cool. All right, let's do all of that from the top. Yes? Joining it together with counts.

So we're waiting one, two, three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight. One, two, and a three, four, and five, six, seven, stop, eight. One, two, and a three, four. This is five, six, seven, eight, dropping one, two, and a three, round four. This is five, six, and a seven, round eight. Awesome.

Let's try all of that with music.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance. And your heart is beating 'cause you know that you gotta.

All right, guys continuing on from there. Yes? So we've just come around, and we've landed on the eight. This is the same timing again, the one, two, and a. Yes?

So we're hitting one. My wrists are breaking. Both of them are facing outwards, yes, on top of my head and kind of sort of mid-chest, yes? So this is one. I'm sending them around, two, to then step on the right, left, and a. Yes?

And I'm kind of landing it on my chest like it was before. Yeah? So this goes one, two, and a. This is just pushing through. Yeah? I'm keeping that palm parallel to the floor as it circles around.

Three, four, all of my weight is being distributed towards the right into my right leg. Yes? So we're here. One, two, and a three, four. I'm stepping left, right. As I step on the left again, that's going to cut the right leg and cause it to round around towards the back.

I'm also putting my weight into my left hand as we go. So start this small and build up as you learn it. Yes? So we're stepping on the four. This goes five and six, all the way around. As you get to the back, yes, both my legs are facing the back in parallel position. I'm just doing a little thin over the top to catch both my hands onto the ground to then roll up in parallel position. Yes?

Now, this is a little bit fast. Yes? So take it slow as we're learning it. And once you get more confident, then you can speed it up with the music. Cool?

So we've just gone. We're here. One, two, and a three, four. This is five and six, seven, eight, rolling up. And the next thing is going to be stepping forward on the left foot on the one. So you want to make sure that roll up, you're really, really stable. You're switching on all of your inner thighs and you're abductors. And you're ready to go for the next thing. Cool?

All right, here we go. Let's try all of that with music.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance. And your heart is beating 'cause you know that you gotta get out of the middle and rise to the top now.

Great. So the last section, yeah? So we've landed on the one. Yes? We're coming up on the two. And a, this is coming forward, three and four. This is on the five, six, and a seven, round eight. Yes?

Now, just to put a full stop on the first half of this combination, we're going to pitch forward on our left leg. Yes? Both are maintaining parallel position. And I'm kind of fonduing as I pitch forward all of my weight. Yes?

My right hand is above my head. My left arm is out to the side. This is coming forward on the one, two, three. Yeah? And we'll finish the first part of this there. Cool?

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance. And your heart is beating 'cause you know that you gotta get out of the middle and rise to the top now.


Awesome. So we just finished by pitching forward on the left leg on one, two, three. On the four, I'm throwing my hands out in front of my body with my right foot flexed. This is four. On the and, I'm just going to cross over the top of this left leg. Yeah? And I've got both hands balancing on my foot and my knee.

So this is one, two, three, four, and on the five, I'm going to brush both arms out to the side. On the six and, they're going to scoop up. It's going to straighten my spine up. My left hand is on my head. My right hand is on my chin. Yes?

On the six and, I'm just going to snap my head to the right to look. Yes? All the while balancing. Yes? So we're coming forward one, two, three, four, and five, and a six. And using counterbalance, I'm pulling a way to the left. I'm going to place my right foot down. And I'm sneakily going to curl in to then relax down onto the floor. Yes?

The use of counterbalance will ensure that your arm, your entry to the floor is nice and smooth and light. Yes? So this is one, two, three, four, and five, and a six, and seven, down, eight. I'm going to step my left foot, then my right foot, then my left foot to end me in constructive rest, which is on both legs in parallel. Head relaxed on the ground. Square back. That's going to bring me around and keep coming into a foetal position facing the front. Yes?

So we've just gone one, and two, three, four, yes? We're here. On the five, I'm rolling towards the back. I'm sending my right arm long. I'm spreading my legs to then swipe around to then come back into a nice tight position on this side. Yes?

One and two, three, pitch back four. Sending this long on five, six to then scoop around again. I'm pushing up with both hands. I'm doing a full circle anti-clockwise with the head to then end in another foetal position facing the front. Yes?

So all of that with counts goes. We've landed seven, eight. This is one, and two. This is three, back four. This is five, six, round seven, stop, eight. Good.

From there, I'm just going to extend out one, two. Yes? Sending both my legs straight behind me. One, two, coming in on three, I'm going to send my right leg up in a circle, which will then bring me to my knee to then use both hands to push up. Yes?

So we're down. This is an extension one, two, in three, up four. Really use as much strength as possible to push out of the ground. I'm then planted on my left knee.

I'm then going to put my left hand down. This is going to bring me onto the ground. I'm going to open into a second split position to then wrap both hands around to then stand up in a parallel position. Yes?

So this all keeps moving. There isn't many breaks in that moment. So practise it without music quite a few times before you put it to music. And it will make sense. The pathways will start to flow a bit better. Cool?

So let's do all of that from the ground. So we've got seven, eight. This is one, and two. This is three, go four. This is five, six, seven, in eight. This is one, two, three. Go four. This is five, six, seven, up eight. Awesome, guys. Let's do all of that with music before we learn the last little section.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

And rise to the top now. When you've made it, won't ya tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. When you've made it, when you've made it, won't ya tell me what to do?

All right, guys. So we're finished rolling up on the eight. Yes? I'm sort of throwing my right arm forward, kind of like him throwing a cricket ball over arm. Yes?

I'm stepping forward. I'm stepping right, bringing that left foot in, to then send this right arm over with a bent elbow. That's going to lead me to the left to then step back down. Yes? So as much off-centre in that moment is possible to make it really, really exciting.

So stepping forward. Duh, duh. And then going to step back on the right foot. I'm just throwing my arms to the front right corner in kind of a toss motion. And I'm doing a little gallop backwards. Yes?

Once I land after that gallop, I'm going to lift my left leg up. I'm pitching forward with my weight keeping it in parallel position. I'm just going to bring that up with lots of undulation in the spine. Yes? To then pitch forward again.

So we've come up. This is coming forward. Step back. Gallop. I'm then going to push forward to then step. My hands are just coming across my body. I'm turning towards the right shoulder. And I'm dragging the right foot around, leading with the head.

Straight out of that turn, I'm just going to do a tiny little jete around, kind of bringing yourself orientated to the front. And I'm going to pitch forward towards that corner. Yes?

So we're coming up, step round, long. I'm landing in parallel facing directly to my right. And I'm going to reach that left up and extend it nice and long. Cool?

So this goes one, two, and three, four. This is five, step six, and a seven, eight. On the one, you have the freedom to do any jump you want. Yes? So there's a quite a big crescendo in the song. That's how we're going to finish. So it's up to you guys what you want to do with that end. Cool?

That's the end, guys. So let's try the whole thing with music up until that point. Awesome. Here we go.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

And rise to the top now. When you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. When you've made it, when you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. You can't fight the friction.

And rise to the top now. When you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. When you've made it, when you've made it, won't you tell me want to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. You can't fight the friction.

All right, guys, so that's the second half finished of my tutorial to 'Friction' by Imagine Dragons. Be sure to put them together. Yes? Join both sections of the tutorial and give it a try throughout the entire thing. Cool? Thank you so much for joining me. And I'll see you very, very soon.

[music - imagine dragons, 'friction']

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance. And your heart is beating 'cause you know that you gotta get out of the middle and rise to the top now.

When you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. When you've made it, when you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. You can't fight the friction.

Get down with the victim. We both know you need them. You're stuck in the middle of all irrelevance. And your heart is beating 'cause you know that you gotta get out of the middle and rise to the top now.

When you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. When you've made it, when you've made it, won't you tell me what to do? 'Cause I'm playin' it all wrong. You can't fight the friction.

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