Video transcript
@The Arts Unit Creative Classes – I like to move it, move it! – 01. Welcome to the class

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CATHERINE GILHOLME: Welcome, everyone. Today, we're going to be creating a performance using movement and expressive skills. Expressive skills refer to the use of the body, gestures, and actions in performance to tell a story. Mime is a performance style that uses exaggerated, expressive movement skills, actions, and reactions to tell a story. And this can feel awkward at first, but once you get used to it, you'll find it's a lot of fun and very entertaining.

So now, before we begin, make sure you have a clear space to move in. You'll need a logbook to record ideas and take notes. And wear some comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Find some music, preferably without lyrics, such as the soundtrack to a movie.

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