K-2 Jazz – 1. Time to be awesome!

Duration: 13:42

Find the performer inside you. Have fun warming up and learning a dance to the song 'Time to be Awesome'.

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Transcript – K-2 Jazz – 1. Time to be awesome!

[audio logo]

[music playing]

KYLIE: Hi, everyone. I'm Kylie.

CHARLIE: And I'm Charlie.

KYLIE: And we're really excited to be here today to teach you a little dance which has being designed for students in Kindergarten to Year 2.

CHARLIE: The aim of today is to make sure that everybody is having fun and getting involved.

KYLIE: Most importantly, we want you to be safe, so make sure that the area you're dancing in is clear of furniture, and be really aware of the surface that you're dancing on. If the floor is slippery, you might like to wear joggers or bare feet, and if you're dancing on carpet you can wear your socks.

CHARLIE: Let's start with a quick warm up, and then we'll get into the choreography.

KYLIE: Let's go!

CHARLIE: OK, everybody, we're going to start by getting our heart rates up, and then we're going to do some stretching. We're going to do eight star jumps followed by eight counts of running on the spot, then we'll repeat that. Let's go! 5, 6, 7, go!

[music - Macklemore, 'Glorious']

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): (SINGING) You know I'm back like I never left. I never left. Another sprint

CHARLIE: 5, 6, 7, running! 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Again!

[music playing]

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): I got a new attitude, and a lease on life, and some peace of mind. Seek and I find I can sleep when I die.

CHARLIE: Good! Running! 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, OK. Stretching your neck.

[music playing]

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): I heard you died twice, once when they bury you

CHARLIE: Pushing it down. 6, 7, and change.

[music playing]

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): So, when I leave here on this earth, did I take more

CHARLIE: Good job! 6, 7, now we're going to go forward.

[music playing]

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): Legend, it's exodus searching for euphoria. Trudging through the mud to find the present

CHARLIE: And looking up.

[music playing]

MACKLEMORE (ON STEREO): Got 20,000 deep off in the street like we some warriors.

CHARLIE: OK, good my job. Rolling shoulders back and forth.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): Glorious, glorious.

CHARLIE: 4, 5, 6, 7. Changing directions!

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): I was born for this, born for this. It's who I am.

CHARLIE: Good job! Good! Now cross your body and stretch your arms out.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): And now I see the sunrise.

CHARLIE: And changing sides.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): Glorious, glorious. I feel

CHARLIE: Good job! OK, then we take our arms out. Out and over. Hold it! Good! And now you're going to flat back, and dropping down and up. Reaching to the side.

Hold it. 5, 6, 7, and flat back.

Dropping down and up. Last one is forward. Reach. Up, 6, 7, 8. Dropping down, coming up slowly. OK, arms out, twist your body, and do a nice, deep lunge.

Holding this lunge. Good! Coming back up to the middle. Changing sides, and down.

Good job! And we're coming back to the centre to take a deep clear. Make sure to push the knees back.

Good! Now we're going to need to take our arm and push our shoulder low, and change. All right, shake out your body. Let's get into our dancing.

KYLIE: OK, everyone, we're going to start by teaching you the choreography. So, we need you to pop your foot and put your hands on your hips, and we're going to start by stepping up on 1, 2, down, 3, 4, and your arms will be shooting up 1, 2, and then down to a fist 3, 4. Then we're going to step, 5, clap, 6, step, 7, clap, 8. Fantastic! Let's try that much.

Ready? Pop your toe, and we go up on 1, 2, down, 3, 4, step, 5, clap, 6, 7, clap, 8. Fantastic! Then we go over the rainbow, so we go over, 1, 2, bounce, 3, 4, step forward, 5, 6, jump, 7, 8, and as you step forward. The lyrics, they say squash 'em, so what we're going to do is we're going to step forward really strong. Squash 'em! Fantastic!

Let's try all of that with the music. Get ready! 5, 6, 7, go! Up! Over the rainbow, and squash 'em. Yes! Good job! OK, everyone. So, we're going to start the next part of the choreography. So, we finished off here, and then we're going to do four big hips with our arms shooting up over our head to shine. So, ready? We go 1, 2, 3, 4. Fantastic!

Now, if we just do our arms, so we'll break that down from here, our arms go up and over 1, 2, 3, 4. And our hips, they just go 1, 2, 3, 4. Fantastic! After we've done that, we need the world to see, so we're going to look this way for the world to see, and then look this way for the world to see. Fantastic!

So, let's do that much. Ready? We go up on 1, 2, 3, 4, look, 5, 6, look, 7, 8. Then we're going to turn around on 1, 2, 3, 4, up, 5, 6, then you're going to pose anything you want to be awesome on 7, 8. OK, and that can be anything. So, we're up on 5, 6, pose, 7, 8. Let's try that much.

Ready? From here, we go up on 1, 2, 3, 4, see, 5, 6, 7, 8. Turn, 1, 2, 3, 4, shoot, 5, 6, pose, 7, 8. Fantastic! Let's try that bit with the music, so we'll add them both together.

And 5, 6, 7, go!

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): (SINGING) Shining deep inside.

KYLIE: Jump over, and squash! Yes! Big hips and look, look, turn, and up. Pose! Yes! Fantastic! So, now we're going to teach you the third part of the choreography. So, you finished off in a pose to be awesome. Excellent! And we'll just do the feet first.

Your feet go heel behind, step, clap, heel behind, step, clap. Now we're going to try that again, but we'll turn around so you can see our feet. Are you ready? Finishing in your pose, and we do heel behind, step, clap, heel behind, step, clap. Super!

All right. After that, we'll show you what your arms will look like. So, your arms will go heel behind, step, clap, heel behind, step, clap. Let's add all that together. Are you ready?

From your pose we go and heel behind, step, clap, heel behind, step, clap. Excellent! The last little bit is 1, 2, 3, jump up on 4. So, one hand on your hip and one hand spread out above your head. Fantastic! Let's try it with the music. Get ready! 5, 6, 7, go!

SINGER (ON STEREO): (SINGING) Shining deep inside.

KYLIE: Good job! Over and squash! Yes! Big hips! Excellent!

SINGER (ON STEREO): to see that it - perfectly awesome.

KYLIE: Pose! Heel behind, heel behind, bounce, bounce, bounce, up! Good job!

Now we're going to show you the final part of the choreography. So, we've finished off with our hand up and this one on our hip. We bring our arm down on 1, 2, we push, 3, 4, and then we're going to do a little jump, crossing our feet over on 5, 6, and surprise, 7, 8. [gasps]

Yes, that's right. Let's just do that much. Are you ready? When we finish, we go down on 1, 2, push, 3, 4, cross, 5, 6, 7, 8. Fantastic! Then we're going to do two little gallups, so we go 1, 2, hit your knees, 3, push out, 4, back, 5, 6, 7, jump, 8. Fantastic, and we'll go over all of that section.

Ready? Hand up, and we go down. 1, 2, push, 3, 4, cross, 5, 6, 7, 8. Gallup, 1, 2, 3, 4, back, 5, 6, 7, jump, 8. Excellent! Then we're going to step to the back and punch, so we step, 1, punch, 2, over, 3, to your knees, 4. Fantastic! Then you go 5, 6, 7, wait, 8.

The last part is my favourite. You get to do four big hips. We go 1, 2, 3, 4, and point because it says 'you'. All right, let's try that much through, and then we'll do it all with the music. So, finish here, and we go 1, 2, push, three, 4, cross, 5, 6, 7, 8. Gallup, 1, 2, touch, 3, hop, 4, back, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Step, 1, punch, 2, over, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, wait, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, and you! Well done! Let's do it with the music. Get ready! 5, 6, 7, 8. Up.

SINGER (ON STEREO): squash 'em.

KYLIE: Good! Big hips! And look, look, turn.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): perfectly awesome. Awesome.

KYLIE: Good job! Bounce!

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): You've no idea how hard it's been. It's time to be awesome. [inaudible] we have been forced to do.

KYLIE: Good.

SINGER (ON STEREO): Don't let them rob you of who you are. We are, so it's all up to you.

CHARLIE: Well done! OK, great job today, everybody. It's really important that we do a quick cool down to make sure that our muscles aren't sore tomorrow. Let's go! All right, we're going to start by doing some deep breaths. Ready? And 5, 6, 7, breathe in and out.

OK, walking on the spot. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Now go forward. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Other arm! Good job! And going forward.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): (SINGING) all pushing down on me. I feel it all around. I feel it

CHARLIE: Ready? All right, stretching your arms out.

And change. I'm going to get some good. Pull it back, and change. All right, let's test our balance. Stretch your leg. Ready? 5, 6, 7, change.

[music playing]

SINGER (ON STEREO): pushing down on me. I feel it all around.

CHARLIE: Good job! Try and stand still. OK, quickly stretching out your hips. And reaching down, swinging your body side to side.

And slowly coming up and shaking it all out. OK, perfect! Great job today, everybody. I hope you all had fun, and we'll see you next time!

[music playing]

End of transcript
