Video transcript
The Arts Unit @home Creative Classes - Dinosaur dig - Welcome!

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SPEAKER: Hello, and welcome to The Arts Unit @home Creative Class, Dinosaur Dig. Are you ready to roar? Because I'm definitely ready. Throughout these lessons, you will complete a number of activities. As a palaeontologist, who is someone who studies dinosaur bones and fossils - isn't that amazing - you will be learning about what ... mmm, monkey snack good!

You will be learning about where dinosaurs lived, and what noises they made, like, 'Rrrrrrr', their environment, and how they moved on earth. All the activities are linked to music, art, dance and drama. There are some activities that you will need an adult to help you with. We hope that you have lots of fun exploring the world of dinosaurs with this Arts Unit @home Creative Class, Dinosaur Dig. Rrrrrr!!

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