Video transcript
Transitions - Small Schools Creative Arts Camp 2023 - Mini documentary

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[intro music]

[serene music playing]

GEORGE: When I first came to the camp, I felt a bit nervous 'cause I didn't really know too many kids.

DIOUS: I felt quite nervous because I haven't been away from my family by myself for a while.

HAMISH: I was worried that I wouldn't meet any friends and have no one. But then when I got here, I made lots of friends.

MATTHEW: Excited because I get to meet a lot of new people.

PIPPA: Excited that I can get away from my parents.

CORBEN: I was a bit happy, really, but when it started getting closer to the day, I was getting nervous.

STEVIE: I was excited because I was excited to learn more skills about the things I'm inspired by and love.

[upbeat music playing]

(singing) Hey, hey yup, hey yup, hey yup. Hey, hey yup, hey yup, hey yup.

[clapping, cheering]

[cheerful music playing]

DIOUS: My name's Dious I'm really excited to be here to learn new things and maybe make some new friends.

ZALI: My name's Zali and I'm excited about extending my creative ability for my academic future.

HAMISH: I'm Hamish.

CHARLIE: My name is Charlie.

PIPPA: Hi. I'm Pippa.

MATTHEW: My name is Matthew.

CORBEN: Hello my name's Corben

GEORGE: My name's George.

ZACK: My name is Zack.

KYDEN: Hello I'm Kyden.

TOM: My name is Tom.

STEVIE: My name's Stevie, and I'm excited to learn more skills about filming and circus.

[circus music playing]

[gentle music playing]

ZALI: The camp is about helping kids and helping them transition into high school.

HAMISH: The camp's for lots of people to come together and share things and become friends.

TOM: I think this camp is for-- to build people's confidence if they're shy or nervous and to make new friends.

PIPPA: Helping you be more creative.

HAMISH: What's your favourite part about camp?

MICHAEL: My favourite part about the camp is sleeping in a cabin with my friends.

PIPPA: What have been your favourite activities you have enjoyed the most?

GRACE: Visual and creative arts.

TOMMY: My favourite part has probably been art.

ZAC: Why?

TOMMY: Because I've got to paint my owl, which has been really fun.

GEORGE: What's your favourite part about the camp?

LEILA: Probably making new friends and then hanging out with them.

ZALI: What do you like about dance?

EVELYN: I like enjoying and dancing with other kids.

[serene music playing]

CORBEN: So what do you think of camp so far? What's your favourite activity?

RUBY: It's been pretty good. My favourite activity has probably been the circus.

MATTHEW: What do you enjoy the most about this camp and why?

CAMERON: Probably the creative arts. So I like drawing and painting.

MATTHEW: Is that it?


MATTHEW: You sure?


MATTHEW: Double checking.


DIOUS: What have you enjoyed about this camp so far?

EVIE: Drama and visual arts.


GROUP: We are fire.

CORBEN: So, what do you think of the camp's food?

RUBY: It's OK.

[upbeat music playing]

DIOUS: I think this camp will help me transition into high school because you're in an environment where-- like, sorta like high school where you move around a lot.

ZALI: Learning to get along and taking in people's ideas.

CHARLIE: Cooperating with a lot of kids.

ZACK: I think it would help me build my confidence and help myself to get out there.

STEVIE: Meeting new people and working in different environments.

HAMISH: It's helping me build new friendships with people from different schools.

KYDEN: Probably helped me build my confidence and meet new people.

CORBEN: I don't think it will help me entirely, but I'm glad I came here before I went to high school. I kind of know how it feels to be in a place different.

[upbeat music continues]

GROUP: Transitions Camp 2023

[ragtime music playing]

End of transcript