Warm-ups for your choir (secondary) - eClass 1 - Physical and breathing activities - 02. Stretching and posture

Duration: 4:35

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Transcript – Warm-ups for your choir (secondary) - eClass 1 - Physical and breathing activities - 02. Stretching and posture

LIZ SCOTT: OK. Let's stretch up. Some of you, like me, are tall enough to touch the roof in this wonderful venue, and it's very dirty, so I would suggest not touching the roof. Lean over this way. Stretch through so maybe you're opening up the muscles between your ribs. So you should really try and stretch so that all of those muscles are able to be free and expand so when you breathe. Go the other direction, really stretch it out. Don't injure each other. Good. Roll your shoulders back. That's it. Do a freestyle for me with no arms and big shoulder movements. That's it. Good. Backstroke, no arms. Right, big, again, really big movements. That's it. Let's do butterfly with no arms. So both shoulders together. And last of all, backwards butterfly, otherwise known as drowning.

[students laughing]

STUDENT: I thought drowning was one forwards, one backwards.

LIZ SCOTT: Yeah, that's probably true, as well, but I can't do that, so we're not going to do that. [laughs] OK, so stretch your arms forward again. Remember yesterday we stretched through your back. Again, really want to stretch all of the muscles between your rib cage. Round your shoulders so that you're stretching out your back. That's it, and then back the other way so that you open out your chest. So shoulders, roll your shoulders back and really pull back this way. Great. OK. Arms up again. Just think about posture, so feet slightly apart, kind of, hip length-- width apart and make sure that your knees aren't locked. Just wriggle your knees and your hips. Keep everything nice and loose. Keep your body tall, arms down. Just check your head is in a good flexible, movable position. Make sure your jaw is moving. Go for me [humming] mmm.

STUDENTS: [humming] Mmm.

LIZ SCOTT: That's it. So it's called a chewy hum, right? You're chewing your hum. Go.

ALL: [humming] Mmm.

LIZ SCOTT: Delicious, hey? [humming] Mmm. Keep going.

ALL: [humming] Mmm.

LIZ SCOTT: Keep nodding in agreement.

ALL: [humming] Mmm.

LIZ SCOTT: Excellent. Don't lock your knees. Make sure that your knees can still move.

End of transcript
