Nepean Festival of Arts and Design

Region: Metro South and West Metropolitan North | Penrith
Years 7 to 12 students | Professional Artists | Teachers
Local arts program Visual arts
Tags: Media arts

Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School in partnership with the NSW Department of Education, The Arts Unit, invite submissions for the Nepean Festival of Art and Design.

The Nepean Festival of Arts and Design is a celebration of the works of emerging and professional artists, photographers, designers, ceramicists, sculptors and tertiary students from across Penrith and the neighbouring LGA’s of Blue Mountains and Hawkesbury. Students from Years 7- 12 studying in the Penrith LGA only are eligible to enter the secondary school’s category. All the works will be exhibited over two days at the Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School. 

Professional development conferences, experiences and programmed events for Educators and the community also align with the festival event, transforming the school landscape into a dynamic arts, culture, and innovation space.  

As part of the event there is also the chance to win a range of prizes from the wonderful event. The 2024 feature artist Sarah Frost will be in attendance as will be internationally recognised artist Locust Jones who will open the exhibition.

Selected Festival of Arts and Design Award recipients will be exhibited at the Penrith Regional Gallery, Home of the Lewers Bequest, Loungeroom Gallery.

Exhibition dates

  • Friday 15 November 2024 6 pm – 9 pm
  • Saturday 16 November 2024 10 am – 3 pm

Exhibition details

  • Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Hall
  • The festival will be opened by the 2024 Arts Patron Locust Jones. 
  • Catering for the event will be provided on the Friday night and devonshire tea on Saturday.

    Student and artist 2024 entry details

    All applications will open Term 2

    • Students wishing to submit to Nepean CAPA High School's, Festival of Arts and Design 2024 will be required to complete the 2024 online student application form.
    • Please note, artworks submitted must be clearly labelled with the title, the artist's name and academic year of student. Student entries are free. Students also need to hand their artwork to their organising teacher for submission. 
    • Artists wishing to submit to their work/s to the Nepean CAPA High Schools Festival of Arts and Design 2024 will be required to complete the 2024 online artist application form or via alternative arrangements made with the school.
    • Please note there is a maximum of three entries per artist. The cost for the application of one artwork is $35 or the submission of three artworks is $60. Please note, payment is to be made prior to submitting this online application form.
    • All submissions must include a photograph of the artwork to be uploaded into the application form. Please ensure all details entered into the form are correct as this will be used for display purposes and to contact you.
    • Nepean Festival of Arts and Design - Terms and conditions of entry (PDF 71.45 KB)

    Important dates

    • Artist and student entries close Monday 28 October 2024. 
    • Delivery of student works – Monday 11 November 2024 time between 9 to 11 am to Nepean CAPA High School [115-119 Great Western Highway, Emu Plains, NSW, 2750]
    • Delivery of external artists works - Friday 15 November 2024  time between 9 to 11 am to Nepean CAPA High School [115-119 Great Western Highway, Emu Plains, NSW, 2750]
    • Collection of works – Monday 18 November 2024 between 8 am to 4 pm

    Exhibition entry costs

    Friday 15 November – entry, supper and drinks included

    • Adults – $20
    • Students – $10
    • Family (2 adults + 1 child) – $45
    • Family (2 adults + 2 children) – $50

    Saturday 16 November – entry and devonshire tea included

    • Adults – $10
    • Children (Under 12) – $5

    Saturday Art Activities

    The following Saturday workshops on offer are facilitated by Festival sponsor Sharz Art Design.

    • Design your own T-Shirt
    • Design your own Tote Bag
    • Zine Workshop, Keyrings
    • Clay fun, Watercolour fun
    • Learn to draw Anime
    • Learn to draw Animals
    • Learn to draw Disney Characters
    • Acrylic Pour
    • Painting a landscape
    • Paint a skateboard deck
    • Picasso-Style Canvas Painting

    While many of these workshops are available at no cost, spaces are limited, so it is essential to register via Sharz Art Design via Nepean Festival: 2024 Nepean Festival of Art and Design, then selecting the appropriate workshop you wish to attend.

    Exhibition Judges

    • Toby Chapman Director of Penrith Regional Gallery

    Event partners

    • Michael Powe – Anala Art Advisory
    • Black Door Gallery
    • Derivan
    • Eckersley's Art & Craft
    • Global Skills
    • Penrith City Council
    • Stella’s Galleries
    • The Picture Framing Warehouse
    • Zonta Club of Nepean Valley
    • Stanton and Taylor Real Estate Penrith
    • Sharz Art Design

    For further inquiries email

    Event reviews

    • “It was a delight to be involved in the festival! The room was so full of creative energy, and it was wonderful to see people of all ages coming together to appreciate artistic creation and practice. I really loved seeing the students not only exhibit alongside professional practitioners but having confidence to talk about their works and inquire deeply about works made by people further down the road than them. What a potent opportunity for NCAPAHS students lead by enthusiastic, passionate teacher. I was also chuffed to win the open category as well as meeting Blak Douglas and hearing his story!” (Sarah Frost – 2022 Winning Artist)
    • “As a Wiradjuri and Ngiyampaa artist in my first year at the National Arts School, I was so excited to have my work acknowledged. It was amazing to come back to my old school (NCAPA) and receive an award at the Nepean Festival of Art and Design” (Mea-Mei – Stanbury National Art School)
    • “With money raised by the successful Festival of Arts and Design the Zonta Club of Nepean Valley will be able to further our project aimed at ‘making a better world for women and girls’. The event, for Zonta not only celebrated the recognition of the amazing talent in the Penrith Local Government Area (LGA) but also highlighted the current and potential ability to network extensively and successfully to achieve a variety of objectives within the community.” (Rona Cassidy – The Zonta Club)
    • “It was a pleasure and a privilege for our students to be involved in such a wonderful event. We look forward to future celebrations of the arts that showcase the creative work happening in our schools.”  (Ms Jo-anne Hornidge – Visual Arts Educator Cambridge Park High School)
    • “Within the short span of a three hour event I have felt more seen in my own community than ever and I could not be prouder to be a Penrith Artist born and raised.” (Cameron Letta – Artist and Educator at Nepean CAPA High school)
    • “My involvement in the Nepean Festival of Arts and Design event has allowed me to access the intricacies of holding an Art event, from marketing through to curatorial decisions and exhibiting challenges. This placement has strengthened my ability to build relationships and communicate with Art Professionals, Art Educators, Volunteers, Senior School Executives and Sponsors.  My capacity to design, build and position a successful event has been realised. I have witnessed the power of creativity to unite artists, designers, schools, and the local community." (Emily Edwards – Fine Arts Honours Degree Student UNSW Art and Design)
    • “The Nepean Festival of Art and Design event has established new partnerships, exhibiting pathways and learning opportunities for our students and staff. The event provides a platform for Hospitality students to cater, Musicians to perform, Drama students to act, Photography and film students to document and local artists and designers to exhibit, share and inspire each other.” (Mrs Prudence Rowston -  H/T Creative Arts Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High)

    Johnny Romeo - Nepean Festival of Arts and Design 2023 Art Patron
    Johnny Romeo

    The 2023 Nepean Arts and Design Festival was held on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 November 2023.



    Blak Douglas
    Blak Douglas

    The 2022 Nepean Arts and Design Festival was held on Friday 11 November 2022.

    Over 600 works were submitted from 10 secondary schools and 52 professional artists and over 500 attending the evening.

    • Blak Douglas was the 2022 Art Patron.
    • Winning artist was Sarah Frost


    Prudence Rowston
    Event Coordinator
    Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School


    Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School Hall
    115-119 Great Western Highway
    Emu Plains NSW 2750

    Open Map

    All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the Nepean Festival of Arts and Design, please email so that we can assist.