Drama Company

Years 10 to 12

The Drama Company extends the best performers auditioned from public schools across NSW. Company members work with industry professionals and experienced educators to create a drama work.

The Wasps

About the Company

The NSW Drama Company is part of The Arts Unit Department of Education's drama ensemble program and extends performers selected by audition from NSW public schools.

This program will not be running in 2024.

For further information or to inquire about other drama opportunities, please email drama.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au

A chorus of students in bright orange jumpsuits dance on a multi-level stage

The Wasps creative resource coming in 2024

The NSW Drama Company performed The Wasps at NIDA in May 2023. Devised by the company under the direction of Genevieve de Souza, The Wasps is a 60 minute re-imagining of the Ancient Greek play by Aristophanes and was produced by the NSW Department of Education's Arts Unit in association with NIDA. 

Watch this space for a creative resource coming soon.

Just Macbeth creative resource now available

In 2022 The Arts Unit presented 'Just Macbeth' by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton in collaboration with Bell Shakespeare Company and NIDA. The Just Macbeth creative resource is now available.


2022 Drama Company photo gallery


The drama team
The Arts Unit
02 8512 1175

The Department of Education's The Arts Unit is proud to collaborate with NIDA to present the 2023 NSW Public Schools Drama Company performance.

All Arts Unit programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the Drama Company, please email drama.artsunit@det.nsw.edu.au so that we can assist.