Work experience

Region: Metro
Students aged 14 and up

Opportunities to conduct work experience across a variety of Arts Unit programs.

A student reaching across a table between a monitor and a large camera case, plugging in a cable into a vision mixer

About the program

At The Arts Unit, we're committed to offering transformative work experience opportunities for students eager to explore the realms of Creative Arts and digital media. Through customised programs and partnerships with industry professionals, students engage in hands-on learning experiences across the Creative Arts, audio-visual and digital production, event management and more.

Whether shadowing professionals during live events and filming or actively participating in behind-the-scenes production tasks, our work experience placements provide invaluable insights, skill development, and networking opportunities, empowering students for future endeavours in their chosen fields.

This program is open to NSW Public Schools students only. For more information and eligibility, please refer to the Department's Work experience at school webpage.

How to apply

Please fill out the expression of interest form and if The Arts Unit has capacity during your student's available dates, we will reach out to you to arrange work experience.

Expression of interest form

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For instance, filming, stage management, audio.

All Arts Units programs are inclusive. If support is required to participate in the Work experience program, please email so we can assist.