Video transcript
ARTEXPRESS 2024 - 01. Virtual gallery overview

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[intro music]

NARRATOR: Welcome to ARTEXPRESS virtual. On the homepage of ARTEXPRESS virtual, you'll find a button to quickly go to each of the years exhibitions that we have delivered. Let's select Enter 2024 exhibition.

When on a page for an ARTEXPRESS virtual exhibition, you'll see a variety of selections along the top, as well as two quick buttons in the middle. Let's go through those.

Firstly, at the top left, you can select quickly through the dropdown each year that you want to look at, and that will take you to the page for that year's exhibition. For instance, um, we can look at 2021 and that will show a different gallery and a different set of works to the 2024 exhibition.

The next option along the top you can select is the explore mode. This is a way to look at all of the works across all of the years and be able to filter them in different ways to really find what you or your students are looking for.

The next button along the top is Enter VR. This is the button that takes you directly into the virtual gallery. You can also use the gallery button on the homepage as a quick way to do that.

The next button along the top is Bodies of Work. This allows you to see every body of work that is being presented in ARTEXPRESS virtual for this year. You can also use the All Works button as a quick way to do that on the homepage. Let's have a look at that.

So the Body of Work page shows you all of the works as either small cards or as a list depending on how you choose to view that. Um, you can select, uh, a work here and go to an individual page about that work, which we will go through in another video.

The next button along the top is themes. The curators of ARTEXPRESS virtual have created a thematic way to experience the artworks. This is a grouping, um, of works around different ideas and different creative interpretations to allow you to look at them, um, and experience them in a different way.

The next button along the top is expressive forms. This lists all 12 of the expressive forms that are the categories that students submit work for the HSC syllabus in New South Wales. You can simply select, uh, one of these to see all of the work submitted in that category for this year. Let's look at drawing. Here we go.

Here's the 10 works that was submitted in the drawing category of this year. Next, there's a How to use button. We really encourage you to come here. Um, look at this, uh, if you're having trouble using the site or the virtual gallery in any way because all of the controls are documented, and this is really a good way to get the most out of the site.

The final button is the about button you can select, and this really just gives you a little bit of a background on how we make this, who may made this and acknowledges all of the wonderful people that we work with to bring this virtual gallery together.

Stay watching in other videos to see some more detailed features across the site.

Thank you.

End of transcript