Video transcript
Film By the City 2023 - 01. Arncliffe Public School - Are We Having Fun Yet?

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ECHOING VOICE: Five, four, three, two--

STRIPED ALIEN: Attention all crew, we are now entering Earth's atmosphere. You have been selected by the Intergalactic Department of Education. Your mission is to identify and evaluate the earthly concept of childhood play as a part of childhood learning. Prepare for teletransportation.

Are there any questions? Good luck with your mission.

GIRL 1: Give it to me.

GIRL 2: Give it to me.

GIRL 1: Give it to me.

GIRL 2: Give it to me.

[school bell rings]

[upbeat electronic music playing]

BLUE ALIEN: [sneezes]

[upbeat electronic music playing]


[bubbles popping]

[digital tone sounds]

[electronic buzzing]

GIRLS: (SINGING) Happy birthday. Happy birthday. Happy birthday to you. Hip-hip hooray!

GIRL 3: Make a wish.


[upbeat electronic music playing]

[fast tempo electronic music playing]

GIRL 4: Hey, where's my cake?

GIRL 5: You did it.

GIRL 6: You did it.

GIRL 4: Worst birthday ever.

STRIPED ALIEN: Welcome back aboard. I hope you had fun learning [inaudible]. I am very interested to hear your reports.


PINK ALIEN: Destructive.

BLUE ALIEN: Unhygienic.

YELLOW ALIEN: Addictive.

GREY ALIEN: Explosive.

BOTH: Dangerous.

RED ALIEN: Irritating.

BOTH: Alarming.

GIRL 6: I have summarised all your data, and my final report is play not recommended, especially for children.

End of transcript