Petersham Public School - The Forgotten World Cup

Duration: 3:27

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Transcript – Petersham Public School - The Forgotten World Cup

[news introduction music playing]


ELIAS: Hello, and welcome to the Handball World Cup Finals. I'm Elias, a former international handball coach.

HARRY: I'm Harry, an expert handball commentator.

HARRIET: And I'm Harriet, a retired two-time World Cup champion.

ELIAS: Today we have Daniel and Soli competing for the Handball World Cup trophy.

HARRY: Daniel has won many comps and is the undefeated reigning champion. So this will be a tough match for the mighty Soli in his very first World Cup.

HARRIET: Before we get to know our two finalists closer, Elias, can you take us through the road to the final?

ELIAS: There were some very tight matches throughout the tournament and some controversies too. And unsurprisingly, they all involved Daniel. So it'll be interesting to watch him play this final. Let's take a closer look at our two finalists and their leadup to the final.

[dramatic music playing]

HARRY: Here is Soli walking into the final today. He's had a rough competition so far. He really scraped through each game and fought hard, showing great resilience and sportsmanship, hitting an amazing shot from the ground to win the semis. Daniel, walking in with his support crew looks like he's well traded and ready for this final. He's got some great techniques, but these are some of the controversies we've been talking about earlier, some shoves and trips that have been pretty shocking and have been penalised by the referee. We hope he learned from Soli in this final.

HARRIET: I believe we have Daniel and Soli with their family members down at the stadium, who we are going to cross to now.

REPORTER: Hello, what is your name?

MARY: I'm Mary.

TIMOTHY: And I'm Timothy.

REPORTER: When you were younger, did you play handball?

MARY: We used to play Four Square.

TIMOTHY: And we didn't have handballs. We only had oranges.

REPORTER: You must be very proud of Solomon.

MARY: We are.

TIMOTHY: Yes, he's amazing.

OTTO: He's the best. He is so going to win.

EDWARD: Yeah, there's no doubt. He's my boy. He's just the best.

DANIEL: Yeah. I don't even know why is here. I'm so much better than him.

REPORTER: Back to the studio.

HARRIET: Wow. What an exciting day with some excited fans and family members. We are now going live to the final between Daniel and Soli. Who will take the trophy home?


[upbeat music playing]

[whistle toots]


[crowd cheers]

ELIAS: See you next time in 2027 for the next Handball World Cup.

ALL: Thanks for watching.

[upbeat music playing]

BOY: I can be like that someday. I just gotta try.

[upbeat music playing]

End of transcript
