Video transcript
Film By the City 2023 - 17. Randwick Public School - The Sabotaged School Photo

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ROSE: Once upon a time, there were two friend groups, who hated each other. And there I was stuck in the middle.

And Lucy--

LUCY: It was so gross.

GG: Lucy, I'm really worried. My mum's going to get me into so much trouble. I got such a bad score on my math test.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Come on in, Amy. Rose, you're next.

ROSE: OK. Thank you. Oh, my God, guys, I'm so excited for this year's school photos. I perfected my smile and everything.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Rose, you're up.

LUCY: Good luck.

[shutter click]

NARRATOR: One term later.

PHOTOGRAPHER: OK, kids, when I say your name, you're going to come up and get your school photo. Jerry. Cathy.


ROSE: That's you.

GRACE: That's great.

CATHY: Oh, thank you.


GRACE: What have I got?

NARRATOR: Has anyone seen Lucy and GG?

ROSE: They're in the bathroom.

CATHY: She went to the bathroom, too. Yeah.

PHOTOGRAPHER: OK. Let's see, Amy? OK, Grace?

GRACE: Oh, God, that's me. Yeah. I'm going to be the best one.



CATHY: Oh, that's you.

GRACE: OK, I'm not going to look at it yet.

CATHY: And Rose walk.

GRACE: I'm not going to look at it yet.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Just take the top one on the pile.

GRACE: We should look at them at the exact same time.

ROSE: OK, guys, on three.

GRACE: Oh, gosh, I'm literally shaking.

ROSE: On three.

FRIENDS: One, two, three. [screams]

ROSE: What's in my background?

CATHY: What's this?

ROSE: Emergency meeting now.

Guys, just come in.

GG: What do you want?

ROSE: Just come in for the meeting.

I know one of you guys did this.

LUCY: According to my calculations, it could not be me, which leaves you guys.

GRACE: You guys do know she could be lying, right?

CATHY: Yeah.

GG: She could be. But she's not.

ROSE: Then who did this?

GRACE: Not to point any fingers, but, on the Tuesday that this happened, I remember seeing GG disappear behind the curtain like right before Rose's turn.

GG: Me?

GRACE: Yes, you.

LUCY: But I was with GG when the photo was taken, so the probability of her being the person is slim to none. well, I think it was Cathy.

CATHY: No, I was home that day with the chicken pox. Eugh, the chicken pox.

LUCY: That leaves Grace.


ROSE: Look at my photo ruined. I know one of you did it. Just admit it.

CATHY: Poor Rose.

LUCY: Wait, look at the hand. It has a ring on it.

GG: Hey, that's Grace's ring.

CATHY: What is going on?

ROSE: So that means, while everyone was going off doing their thing, Grace sneaked behind the curtain, photobombed my photo, then she ran back to the line, looking innocent.

LUCY: That confirms it was Grace.

GRACE: I thought it'd be a funny joke. Who knew you cared that much? Sorry.

ROSE: But just don't let it happen again. You know how much I love my photos.

Oh, hi, how's your summer been?

WOMAN: Not bad. This lift is really taking forever.

ROSE: I know, it is, isn't it? Oh, my goodness, I just got my driver's licence photo.

End of transcript