Video transcript
Film By the City 2023 - 19. Rozelle Public School - Breaking News

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[breaking news music playing]

PRESENTER: In breaking news, a big, bad wolf has been seen lurking near the houses of the three little pigs. Here with us is one of the three little pigs, Perina, who saw the big, bad wolf near her straw house earlier today.

PERINA: I was admiring my straw fence when I heard this growling noise--


--and saw big white fangs. I was terrified.


[Dun dun duuun music sting]

PRESENTER: Last night, Perina's house was burnt down. Firemen were able to save her. Witness to the scene and sister of Perina, Prudence is here to tell us more.

PRUDENCE: I was eating chips in my house of sticks when I saw my sister Perina's house on fire. And it went up like [inaudible].

[Dun dun duuun music sting]

PRESENTER: Piggy Prudence has had her stick house blown apart by the big, bad wolf. Prudence hasn't said a word and is only able to eat cookies. Here is Pearl, sister to both Perina and Prudence. Pearl, are you worried about this big, bad wolf?

PEARL: I am going to get that big, bad wolf and have my revenge.

[spooky wail]

WOLF: Little pig, little pig, let me in.

PEARL: Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin.

[Dun dun duuun music sting]

PRESENTER: We have astonishing news. The big, bad wolf was caught last night by Piggy Pearl. All three pigs are back together. Pearl, what is your secret?

PEARL: I'm smart. I built my house from brick. And it wasn't even a big, bad wolf. It was just a cute puppy dog.


[breaking news music playing]

End of transcript