Undercliffe Public School - Alphabet Adventures

Duration: 3:31

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Transcript – Undercliffe Public School - Alphabet Adventures

MISS HAZEL: Good morning, Kindergarten.

STUDENTS: Good morning, Miss Hazel.

MISS HAZEL: Today, for our lesson, we're learning about the alphabet.

STUDENT 1: I love the alphabet.

STUDENT 2: Me, too. I wish I could be a letter M. It's my favourite.

MISS HAZEL: Hmm. That's interesting. That gives me an idea.

STUDENT 3: So what's your great idea, Miss?

MISS HAZEL: I'm going to turn you all into the letters of the alphabet.

STUDENT 4: So how are you going to do that, Miss Hazel?

MISS HAZEL: At school, I'm going to teach. But on the weekend, I'm a witch.

STUDENTS: [gasps]

STUDENT 5: No, please.

STUDENT 6: Don't turn us into the letters of the alphabet.

MISS HAZEL: Too late. I made up my mind.



MISS HAZEL: Abracadabra. I'll all turn you into the alphabet.


[upbeat music playing]

LETTER A: I've turned into the letter A. Lucky for me, I love apples.

LETTER B: I'm B for butterfly. Look at my big, beautiful wings.

LETTER C: I'm C for caterpillar. I like to climb.

LETTER D: D is for drumming, on my drum. Drum, drum, drum.

LETTER E: E is for excellent elephant.

LETTER F: Oh, no! There's a fire! Lucky the firewoman is here.

LETTER G: G. I'm a gorgeous garden fairy.

LETTER H: Hi. Hey. Hello. I'm the letter H and I have beautiful hearts.

LETTER I: I, I, I. I have an interesting idea.

LETTER J: J, J, J is for jumping jellybean.

LETTER K: Greetings. I'm the letter K King, ruler of all letters. Stick around and later you'll see my special friend.

LETTER L: I'm the luckiest lion in the world. Watch this letter roar. Roar!

LETTER M: I'm the letter M. Munch, munch, munch. This monkey loves bananas.

LETTER N: I'm the letter N. I love the night sky.

LETTER O: Oh my. I'm the letter O and I love being an octopus.

LETTER P: That's perfect, like me. I'm a perfect pig.

LETTER Q: I'm the letter Q and I'm a fancy queen. Where has that King of mine gone?

LETTER K: Here I am, darling.

LETTER R: R is for race car. Beep, beep. Broom, broom.

LETTER S: Sss. S is for slithery, scaly, slimy snake.

LETTER T: I'm a T. A tiny, terrific tiger.

LETTER U: Uh oh. Looks like it's going to rain. Lucky this letter U has lots of umbrellas.

LETTER V: V is for vampire. V, V, V.

LETTER W: Wow. I'm a whale swimming in the water.

LETTER X: I'm the letter X. I take x-rays of bones. [clicks]

LETTER Y: I'm the letter Y for yell. Yell! Yell! Yell!

LETTER Z: Z is for zebra, running in a zigzag.

LETTER S: All this hard work being a letter is exhausting.

LETTER P: Me, too. I'm tired.

LETTER Z: Can you turn us back now, Miss?



STUDENT 7: Yay! Thank you.

STUDENT 8: I feel so much better now.

MISS HAZEL: OK. Let's go back to learning about the alphabet.

End of transcript
